The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 890 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 890 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Although, the soldiers guarding the formation are good at martial arts, and there are quite a few of them.But compared with Shangguan Yuntian, it is simply a world of difference.Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian only used one move, and wiped out the soldiers guarding the formation with one move.

Once the soldiers guarding the formation died, the eyes of the formation were exposed in front of Shangguan Yuntian.

With a wave of the long sword in his hand, the sword energy is like a rainbow, and it goes straight to the eye of the formation.

Due to the sword energy, the eyes of the formation were destroyed, and the long snake gossip formation that the enemy had finally set up was destroyed in an instant.As soon as the formation was destroyed, Shangguan Yuntian flew up and shouted in the direction of Dazhao's army: "Yunfei!"

Hearing the shout, Yunfei knew that Shangguan Yuntian had broken the formation, so he led Dazhao's soldiers and killed them.

Gu Cheng saw that the formation on his side had been broken, and the enemy had killed him. His face darkened, and he retreated to the camp, while cursing bitterly: "Damn Shangguan Yuntian, damn it. This general really underestimated you gone."

After speaking, Gu Cheng retreated back to the camp under the escort of his own soldiers.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Gu Cheng couldn't help but threw something again.

Listening to the movement in the camp, the soldiers outside looked at the person who had just rushed from the camp to report, wondering whether they should go in to report.

The reporter also heard the movement and knew that Gu Cheng was angry, his face turned pale.If at this time, he went to tell the other party that the food and grass in the base camp had been burned, would the other party die of anger?

Why don't you come back later.

Thinking about it, the person who reported the letter was about to back off when he saw a soldier who was standing outside lifted the tent and walked in.

Seeing the other party enter the camp, the reporter wished he could run far away, but his feet seemed to have taken root, and he couldn't move forward.

"What's the matter?" Gu Cheng saw the soldiers coming in at this time, his face was very ugly.

"General, there are people coming from the base camp." The soldier bit the bullet and said with a cautious look on his face.

When Gu Cheng heard that someone was coming from Daying, his face became more and more ugly. Just when he was about to say no, he thought about it and thought that the other party might have something to do, so he said coldly: "Let him in."

The soldiers went out, and after a while, they came in with the messenger.

"What's the matter?" Gu Cheng glanced at the messenger and asked coldly.

"Back, back to the general, the captain asked the younger one to come and tell you that the food, the food and grass have been burned."

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence in the big tent.Gu Cheng stared at the reporter, and couldn't believe his ears.

The soldiers were also stunned, looking at the messenger with a look of disbelief.What he heard just now, the grain and grass were burned, how could this be possible?

"What did you say?" Gu Cheng stared at the other party, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word.

"General, the grain and grass have been burned." The messenger knelt on the ground with his head down, not daring to look at Gu Cheng.

"Say it again." Gu Cheng still couldn't believe it, how could the food be burned?Didn't his army contain Shangguan Yuntian's troops?
How could he still have someone to burn his food and grass?
He got it wrong, he definitely got it wrong.

Gu Cheng hypnotized himself, but the clear voice of the messenger came from next to his ears, "The grain and grass are gone."

"Really gone?"

"It's really gone."

"Say, what's going on!" Gu Cheng roared, glaring at the reporter.

"Sir, General, yesterday, last night, the enemy broke into the camp and burned our food and grass." The reporter stammered and told the story briefly. After hearing this, Gu Cheng was surrounded by anger. .

He glared at the messenger, wishing he could strangle him to death.

After a while, he asked again: "How many enemies are there for the people who went to burn the grain and grass?"

(End of this chapter)

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