The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 891 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue

Chapter 891 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue ([-])

"One, one..." The person who reported the letter was embarrassed to say it, but there were less than 100 people on the other side, and they burned their food, but they didn't catch any of them.

"Tell me clearly, how many people are there?" Gu Cheng roared angrily, full of evil spirit.All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the entire big tent became depressed.

"100 people." The person who reported the letter was afraid, so he said it directly.Hearing this, Gu Cheng was stunned again, staring at the reporter, and asked, "What did you say? The other party only has 100 people?"


The person who reported the letter nodded, anyway, if he stretched out his head and cut it, it would be the same if he retracted his head.It's as simple as pouring beans into a bamboo tube, telling everything out.

Gu Cheng laughed back angrily, stared at the reporter, and said, "100 people burned our food and grass, what are you 1 people doing for food? Is it trash?"

"General, the opponent is too cunning, but he still came down from Broken Soul Cliff. We didn't notice for a while, and the enemy took advantage of us." The messenger explained with cold sweat all over his face.

"Has anyone caught it?"

"No, no!"

"What, the food was burned, but people didn't catch it? Waste, waste, a bunch of waste."

Gu Cheng cursed loudly, and the messenger lowered his head, remained motionless, not daring to make a sound.

Gu Cheng looked at it, very angry.So, he picked up a paperweight from the table beside him and threw it directly at the messenger, cursing as he threw it, "Waste, a bunch of trash. How can I, Gu Cheng, have such a bunch of trash like you."

The person who reported the letter didn't dare to hide, so he had to suffer it, endured the pain and didn't even dare to hum.

After getting angry, Gu Cheng didn't feel any better. He stood up and left the tent in a huff.

He had to take a good breath, or he would be pissed off.

As soon as he got out of the big tent, Gu Cheng looked at the two sides fighting, not to mention his anger, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Originally thought that he could take advantage of the large number of people to kill Shangguan Yuntian's vigor.Unexpectedly, Dazhao's soldiers were so brave, and with such a small force, they restrained his hundreds of thousands of troops.

I don't know what's going on with Chen Cheng. If he can come in time, winning shouldn't be a problem.

Thinking of Chen Cheng, Gu Cheng couldn't help but think of the soldiers he sent out yesterday, and they haven't come back yet, and he doesn't know what happened, whether they were discovered by the enemy.

Thinking about it, Gu Cheng called out: "Come on!"

The captain of the personal army stepped forward and asked, "General, what are your orders?"

"Send another person to see how the left army came back. Why is there no movement until now?"

"Subordinates obey."

Just when the captain of the guards was about to send another person to see what was going on with Chen Cheng, a soldier suddenly pointed at the city wall of Luo City and said, "Look, what is that?"

"What?" The others were puzzled and looked up at the city wall.At a glance, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Big, big general."

"What are you shouting for?" Gu Cheng was in a bad mood, and when he heard someone calling him in such a panic, his face became even uglier, and he scolded him.

"Look, is that person on the city wall General Chen?" Although the person who was scolded was a little scared, he didn't shut his mouth, and still pointed at the opposite city wall.

"What?" Gu Cheng looked straight up, and looked at the opposite city wall. After seeing it, his face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "How is this possible?"

Although he didn't see it very clearly, he was very familiar with Chen Cheng as a colleague for so many years, and he was sure in his heart that the other party was Chen Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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