The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 892 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue

Chapter 892 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue ([-])

But what Gu Cheng couldn't understand was how could Chen Cheng be on top of the enemy's city wall.

Could it be that Chen Cheng betrayed him and the king?
If this is the case, even if he is a ghost, he will not let the other party go.

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng was full of killing intent.

At this time, someone beside him said, "Hey, General Chen seems to be tied up?"

With such a reminder, many people rubbed their eyes, hoping to see clearly.Taking a closer look, it turned out that Chen Cheng was really tied up as the man said.

"How could this happen?" Many people had question marks in their minds. The general of the left army was captured by the enemy and tied to the city wall.

What's happening here?
Could it be that something happened to the army on the left?
How can Gu Cheng not think of the problems that everyone can think of.Just because he thought of it, his face became even uglier.

The food and grass in the base camp were burned, the general of the army on the left was captured, and the army in the center led by him was fighting the enemy to the death. All of this was a great disadvantage to them.

Under such circumstances, what should he do?
Then fight on, or retreat.

If the fight continues, what will happen to the grain and grass?A few days ago, people from Shangguan Yuntian snatched the food and grass sent by the middle school, and the only food and grass left were also burned.

Even if the letter is sent back now, it will take at least a month to raise food and grass and send it back.And they couldn't last at that time at all, let alone a month, they couldn't last ten days.

What should I do?
After much deliberation, retreating is the only way out.

After weighing the pros and cons, Gu Cheng quickly made a decision.Where there is life, there is hope.As long as people are still there, everything is still possible.

Therefore, after considering various pros and cons, Gu Cheng had no choice but to order the troops to retreat again.

With the order to retreat, the horn sounded.This time, the soldiers in Nan'an did not evacuate as quickly as the day before.

This time, the soldiers of Nan'an wanted to evacuate, but the soldiers of Dazhao did not give them a chance.

Hearing Nan'an's order to withdraw troops, Dazhao's soldiers became more and more brave, and they all fought like chicken blood, desperately killing and killing.

As a result, it became more and more difficult for the soldiers in Nan'an to withdraw from the battle.

It had been a while since the retreat order was issued, Gu Cheng saw that none of his subordinates had retreated, and couldn't help but turn dark.

"Continue!" Gu Cheng couldn't help but ordered Ming Jin's soldiers again.

The horn to withdraw troops sounded again, and the soldiers in Nan'an scrambled to retreat, and the battlefield became chaotic for a while.

Seeing that the enemy was in a mess without using his own hands, Shangguan Yuntian ordered the soldiers to stop.

Dazhao's soldiers stopped stopping, but Nan'an's retreat speed was not much faster. You pushed each other, and trampled to death an unknown number of people.

Chen Cheng, who was tied to the city wall to watch the battle, looked very ugly seeing the situation of the troops on his side.At this moment, he finally understood why he was defeated so thoroughly.

The military appearance and discipline are so unbearable, it is unreasonable to be undefeated.


Yehuang stood beside Chen Cheng and asked in a cold voice.Not long after she returned to Los Angeles with her brothers, she heard that the two sides had already fought, so she went directly to the city wall to watch the battle without even taking a break.

While watching the battle, he accidentally heard the news that Yan Nuo had captured Chen Cheng, the general of the enemy's left army.So, after having someone find out where Chen Cheng was, she deliberately took him to the city wall.

Firstly, she wanted Chen Cheng to see Dazhao's heroic appearance; secondly, she wanted to use Chen Cheng to shake the enemy's morale.

The morale of the army was shaken, and they were defeated without a fight.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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