The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 893 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue

Chapter 893 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue ([-])

What's more, they burned the food and grass in the enemy's base camp, and the generals who stayed in the base camp would definitely not conceal it.In this way, under the double blow, are you still worried that Gu Cheng will not retreat?

Things went exactly as Ye Huang imagined, when he got the news that the grain and grass had been burned, and saw that Chen Cheng had been arrested, he had no way out, Gu Cheng couldn't hold on anymore, so he ordered his troops to retreat.

"I see!" Chen Cheng said in a hoarse voice with a look of pain on his face.

"Come on, take it down." Yehuang didn't say much, waved her hand and immediately someone came over and took Chen Cheng away.

After Chen Cheng took them away, Yehuang looked at the retreating army in Nan'an and was thinking deeply when Shangguan Yuntian's voice came from beside her ear: "Huang'er, why are you here?"

"Come and see." Yehuang turned her head and smiled gently at Shangguan Yuntian.At this time, Shangguan Yuntian was wearing a silver-white armor, and he looked very handsome, which made Ye Huang crazy.

All along, Yehuang knew that Shangguan Yuntian was good-looking, but she had never seen him so handsome.Sure enough, the man who has been on the battlefield is the most attractive.

"Returned soul." Although Shangguan Yuntian was very satisfied with the way Yehuang looked at him, he was still a little embarrassed after being stared at for a long time, especially in front of the guards.

As soon as Shangguan Yuntian opened his mouth, Yehuang looked away, then reached out to touch his face mischievously, and then said: "The enemy has retreated, what are your plans?"

Shangguan Yuntian didn't expect Ye Huang's thoughts to jump so fast, he was teasing him one second, and asked such a serious question the next second.

He lowered his head slightly, looked at her, and asked, "What does Huang'er think?"

Yehuang was about to speak, but Shangguan Yuntian suddenly put his arms around her waist and said, "You must be tired after rushing all the way back, we'll talk about this when we go back."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Yehuang raised her head and smiled faintly at Shangguan Yuntian, and then went down the city wall with him.

After getting down the city wall, Shangguan Yuntian didn't go back to the command post, but went back to the small courtyard where they lived together with Yehuang.

After returning to the courtyard and changing his armor, Shangguan Yuntian took a shower and changed his clothes before sitting on a chair with Yehuang in his arms.

"Huang'er, thank you for your hard work." Pressing Yehuang tightly, Shangguan Yuntian leaned his head on her shoulder and said in a low voice.

Ye Huang helped him a lot, if she hadn't gone to burn the food and grass in the enemy's base camp, Gu Cheng would probably still be dead against him.

"It's not hard." Yehuang shook her head, and then she relaxed, leaning on Shangguan Yuntian's chest, and said, "As your wife, I'm very happy to share with you."

Shangguan Yuntian laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Huang'er, thank you. To be able to marry you in this life is a blessing I have cultivated in three lifetimes."

When Yehuang heard the touching words, her heart was as sweet as honey, and her face flushed.On the mouth, he said arrogantly: "That is!"

Seeing such a proud Yehuang, the smile on Shangguan Yuntian's brow became more intense, which also stirred up his heart, and he couldn't help lowering his head to put her lips in his mouth and kissed her lightly.

The two who had only been separated for a day and a night, because of this kiss, their passion was instantly ignited, and they became entangled with each other.

It took a while for Shangguan Yun to let go of Yehuang, then got up and carried Yehuang back to the room, and fell on the bed.

After a lot of love, Shangguan Yuntian directly let Yehuang fall asleep from exhaustion, and then let her go.

Then, with a satisfied face, he carried her to the cubicle to wash.

Ye Huang was already very tired, and due to Shangguan Yuntian's tossing, she fell asleep so deeply that she didn't know everything Shangguan Yuntian did for her.

(End of this chapter)

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