The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 895 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue

Chapter 895 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue ([-])

He looked at Yehuang seriously, and said to her, "Huang'er, I don't want you to fight the enemy."

He was really worried, worried that Yehuang would break into the enemy's army of millions to take the head of the enemy's general just like he did in Yaocheng.

He didn't want Yehuang to be hurt again, not even at all.

Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and knew what he was worried about, so she laughed and said, "Don't worry, this time I will only be the military adviser behind the scenes, and I won't take your credit."

"Huang'er, do you know that I don't mean it?" Shangguan Yuntian stared at Yehuang, not understanding why she misunderstood him like this.She knew that he didn't mean that.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know you don't mean that, you mean this." Yehuang was in a good mood, and wanted to tease Shangguan Yuntian, and wanted him to hurry up.

Sure enough, upon hearing Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian said anxiously and quickly: "Huang'er, I'm just worried that you will be injured. After all, on the battlefield, swords have no eyes."

Originally, she wanted to tease him again, but seeing Shangguan Yuntian's eager and serious appearance, Yehuang finally stopped teasing him and said, "Yuntian, you don't need to explain, I understand what you mean. Don't worry Well, unless necessary, I will not go into battle to kill the enemy."

Obedient to these words, Shangguan Yuntian finally breathed a sigh of relief.But before he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Yehuang say again; "However, I said I would help you, so I will definitely help you."

"If you don't fight the enemy, how are you going to help?" Shangguan Yuntian asked.As long as Yehuang doesn't go into battle to kill the enemy, or confront the enemy head-on, she has no problem helping him in any way she wants.However, he was still curious about how Ye Huang would help him.

"This is a secret, I won't tell you for the time being." Yehuang deliberately played tricks, at this time she didn't want to tell Shangguan Yuntian about the economic blockade.

In just a few days, when the civil strife begins in Nan'an, Shangguan Yuntian will understand without asking himself.

"Stingy!" Shangguan Yuntian stretched out his hand and scratched Yehuang's nose, but he didn't care if she kept her secret and didn't tell him.

Anyway, he will know sooner or later, no rush.

The two walked around the yard a few times, seeing that it was still early, they went to the study together.Shangguan Yuntian handles things, and Yehuang reads books in a tacit understanding.

After finishing their work, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang went back to the room together.

Early the next morning, Shangguan Yuntian left Yan Nuo to defend the city, and took the remaining soldiers to chase Gu Cheng's army.

Besides, after Gu Cheng returned to the base camp with the army in a state of embarrassment, he lost his temper when he saw the little food and grass left. He even killed the generals who stayed in charge, but he was still not relieved.

With no food and grass, and the loss of so many people, what will he use to fight Shangguan Yuntian.

Originally thought that this time, he would be able to create another glory and defeat Shangguan Yuntian again, but it was just a dream.

After fighting so many times, not to mention not winning once, and losing 10,000+ troops, he was really pissed off.

"Come here, send an order to prepare to evacuate tomorrow." After Gu Cheng got angry, he gave the order decisively.They can't stay here any longer and have to return home as soon as possible.

Even if they go back to the nearest city, they can buy food on the spot in order to come back again.

The order to evacuate was issued, but the army on the right led by General Qian never came back.Gu Cheng waited anxiously, and sent a soldier to inquire about the situation.

Unexpectedly, the soldier brought bad news, which made Gu Cheng almost vomit blood in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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