The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 896 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 896 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

It turned out that Shangguan Yuntian had already known about Gu Cheng's platoon through the inside line, so he specially asked Ming Rui to lead some people to create trouble for the enemy's right army.

He also wanted to cut off their retreat. If it wasn't for the lack of troops, he would have cut off the enemy's retreat first.

If Gu Cheng knew that the army on the right side of his platoon not only failed to cut off the retreat of the Jokhang army after the defeat, but also lost a lot of troops, he wondered if he would die of anger.

Ming Rui detoured for a while before reaching the flank of the enemy's right army, which is why it was only now.

As the general of the army on the right, Qian Jun was taken aback when he saw the Jokhang troops suddenly appearing from his slope.

its not right.

The team that suddenly appeared was not only on the wrong route, but also did not look like a retreating enemy.

Qian Jun thought so.

But before he could figure it out, Ming Rui had already ordered to shoot Qian Jun's right army.

This time, Ming Rui didn't bring many people, so Shangguan Yuntian gave each of them a bow and arrow.In this way, they only need to shoot and kill from a long distance, and they don't have to go forward to confront the enemy face to face.

There is a reason for this arrangement.That is, Shangguan Yuntian didn't mean to drive out the enemies, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't want to lose the lives of more soldiers because of this.

Because Ming Rui only brought 5000 troops, while the enemy had [-].One to ten, even if all the soldiers of Dazhao were brave, they couldn't make it to one to ten.

In this way, the 5000 troops are likely to be wiped out.And this is not what Shangguan Yuntian wants to see.That's why he equipped them with bows and arrows, and told Mingrui not to face the enemy head-on.

As waves of arrows rained out, seeing the enemy in a hurry, he curled his lips sharply.He really wanted to rush out and do the killing.But thinking of Shangguan Yuntian's confession, and thinking of the little soldiers behind him, Ming Rui had no choice but to suppress this impulse.

Qian Jun's army only panicked for a while, and then began to order.They drew out their weapons to block the bows and arrows, and returned them with bows and arrows.

It's a pity that because their task was to cut off the retreat route of the Jokhang army, they didn't have many bows and arrows, and they were exhausted within a few strokes.

On the contrary, Dazhao's bows and arrows are much more than theirs, wave after wave, as if they can never finish shooting.

For this reason, Qian Jun had no choice but to order a retreat.Ming Rui chased them for a while before letting them go.

By the time Qian Jun returned to the base camp with the army on the right, it was already several hours later.

After returning to Daying, Qian Jun immediately went to see Gu Cheng and pleaded guilty to him.

Not surprisingly, he was scolded by Gu Cheng.

The first time he saw Gu Cheng get so angry, Qian Jun was a little dazed, until Gu Cheng told him to get out, then he came back to his senses and made a big fuss.

As soon as he got out of the big tent, he realized the strangeness, so he arrested a soldier and came to ask him, and only then did he know the whole story.

After understanding, he realized that he was a punching bag.However, Chen Cheng was taken prisoner, which surprised him.

Chen Cheng led more people than him, and his skills were better than him, so he was captured.What happened to the soldiers of the Jokha recently? Why are all of them so awesome?

Qian Jun quickened his pace while expressing emotion.After returning to his tent, he fell on the bed and rested.He was about to retreat anyway, and he didn't know what else to do besides rest.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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