The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 897 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 897 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

The next day, after breakfast, Gu Cheng led the army back to Nan'an.Unlike the menacing and high-spirited one when he came, he looked embarrassed when he returned.

In this battle, he lost completely, not only lost a general, more than a dozen generals, but also lost 10,000+ troops, which made him very sad.

In addition, he failed to save the crown prince Nangong Yueli, and caused all the secret agents in Luocheng to die, which made him a little crazy.

If His Highness the Crown Prince could be rescued, even if he suffered a defeat, the emperor would surely spare him.

It's a pity that Shangguan Yuntian controlled Luocheng so that even mosquitoes couldn't fly in, let alone save Nangong Yueli, he couldn't even enter the city gate.

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng hated Shangguan Yuntian even more.If they had known that this would be the result, a few years ago, they should not have poisoned Shangguan Yun, but should have killed him directly.

It's a pity that things have come to this point, and regrets are of no use.

The Nan'an army trekked all the way, and finally arrived at the border town of Nan'an, Xiangcheng, at noon.

When the people of Xiangcheng saw the return of the army, they thought they had won the battle, and went to greet them with happy faces.But when they saw the embarrassment of the army and the listlessness of the soldiers, they realized that they had not won the battle, but lost.

For this reason, the reception banquet that the officials of Xiangcheng had planned to give to Gu Cheng and others was immediately cancelled.The people also dispersed, leaving the army walking alone on the street, looking a little bleak.

Seeing the different attitudes of the people and officials in the city, Gu Cheng's face was extremely ugly.It was the first time he had received a cold reception in all these years of fighting.

And all of this is thanks to Shangguan Yuntian.While walking, Gu Cheng swore in his heart that he would definitely defeat Shangguan Yuntian.

However, the matter of defeating Shangguan Yuntian was not in a hurry.Now his team has to raise food and grass in addition to repairing.

But what Gu Cheng didn't know was that not long after he evacuated from the base camp, Shangguan Yuntian led Dazhao's [-] soldiers and followed him.

After a night of recuperation, the army is in good spirits.Shangguan Yuntian sent Mo Quan, the left vanguard, and led 3000 troops to explore the way ahead.

Mo Quan led three thousand soldiers on fast horses and went straight to Gu Cheng's previous base camp.But I didn't want to, it was a step too late, Gu Cheng and his men had already evacuated.

For this reason, Mo Quan was a little annoyed.After a careful inspection, I found out that the enemy also evacuated after breakfast in the morning.

Based on the time of the enemy's evacuation, Mo Quan calculated carefully, and felt that the enemy's number of people was too large, and the journey must not be fast. If they chased them on fast horses, they might be able to catch up.

So, while Mo Quan sent people to report to Shangguan Yuntian, he led his men to chase after Nan'an's army.

Sure enough, what he expected was right, the enemy was numerous and the journey was not fast, even if the army in front had already reached Xiangcheng, the troops in the rear were still on their way.

In addition, Gu Cheng never thought that Shangguan Yuntian would chase and beat them, so he was completely unprepared, and the march was procrastinated.

In this way, after Mo Quan chased for an hour, he saw the shadow of the enemy army.

He first sent scouts to investigate the situation, and then sent people to inspect the nearby terrain.When he learned that the army in front was not the main force and there were not many people, the soldiers who checked the terrain also returned.

"How's the situation?" Mo Quan asked eagerly when he saw his men come back.He wanted to start the first battle of chasing the enemy, and he wanted the enemy to know that Dazhao didn't provoke him whenever he wanted, and he could leave whenever he wanted.

 Thanks to Yang Shuning for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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