The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 898 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 898 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

"If you go back to the left vanguard, fifty miles away from here, there is a valley where the enemy passed by. That place is suitable for ambushing the enemy."

Hearing this, Mo Quan was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked again: "Is there another way around here that can bypass the enemy and enter the valley where the ambush is?"

"There is a mountain road that can be passed through, but it is not easy to walk." The scout replied.

"In this way, the vanguard will lead half of the troops to go to the valley to ambush the enemy. The remaining part of the people will follow behind the enemy. When the time comes, we will attack back and forth to eat up the enemy."

Mo Quan immediately made a decision and began to divide the work.

After setting up the mission, Mo Quan didn't waste any time. He ordered 500 troops, led by the scouts who had scouted before, and went to ambush the enemy on the mountain road.

The remaining half of the troops hung behind the enemy not too far away, and only waited for Mo Quan's ambush to start, and then launched an attack from behind.

Mo Quan led 500 men on fast horses, quickly bypassed the enemy army, and arrived at the valley where an ambush could be set up.

Once in the valley, there was no time to rest, so Mo Quan immediately arranged the ambush.

The soldiers quickly made preparations and lay in ambush in the valley, only waiting for the enemy to attack as soon as they arrived.

Nan'an's army didn't even know that there was an ambush ahead, so they stopped and stopped all the way, and finally reached the valley.

When Mo Quan saw the enemy coming, he immediately asked everyone to get ready, and only waited for the enemy to pass by.

I don't know if the enemy's vigilance is too low, or they think this is in Nan'an's territory, so they don't have any precautions, and they pass through the valley swaggeringly.

Mo Quan watched quietly, his face was full of coldness, and when the enemy's army passed halfway, he gave an order: "Attack!"

As soon as the military order was issued, the ambushing soldiers quickly appeared and charged towards the Nan'an army passing by the road next to the valley.

At the same time, a signal was launched.

Seeing the signal, the [-] soldiers following the enemy quickly drove the dismounted horses and galloped towards them.

Nan'an's army had no energy when they retreated, and they were all listless.This will see a team suddenly come out, and they still want to kill them, and they are stunned for a while.Standing there blankly, allowing the opponent to kill.

It wasn't until the blood splattered and the heads fell to the ground that the soldiers in Nan'an realized that they had encountered an enemy.So, he drew out his weapon in a panic, and fought with Dazhao soldiers.

Due to the large number of people in Nan'an, the other 500 people who were flanking had not yet arrived.As time went by, Mo Quan's side gradually lost the wind. If the reinforcements did not arrive as soon as possible, they would be surrounded by the enemy.

The generals in Nan'an also saw this situation and knew that the number of enemies ambushing them was not large, so they immediately became confident, and while killing the enemies, they shouted: "They are few in number, kill them, kill them."

"Left Pioneer, what should we do?" Seeing the Nan'an soldiers reacting so quickly, Dazhao's soldiers became a little worried.

"Don't worry, reinforcements will come soon." Mo Quan comforted the people around him while killing the enemy.He could already hear the sound of hooves, and reinforcements were coming soon.

Sure enough, Mo Quan's judgment was correct. The soldiers in Nan'an were just about to surround Mo Quan and the others when reinforcements came behind them.

Seeing those reinforcements, the morale of the soldiers in Nan'an was immediately drained, and they didn't have the intention to kill the enemy.At this moment, they just want to escape.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, they attacked from front to back, and the situation was reversed again. All the soldiers in Nan'an became the souls of the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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