The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 899 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 899 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

It didn't take long for Nan'an's team of nearly 5000 people to be wiped out by the 3000 people led by Mo Quan.

After completely annihilating the enemy army, Mo Quan was very happy, and immediately sent someone to report the good news to Shangguan Yuntian.He himself took the soldiers to find a place to rest.

After all, after traveling for so long and fighting the enemy again, it's no wonder I'm not tired.

The soldiers found a relatively flat place to sit down, opened the kettle they carried with them and drank some water, and sat for another half an hour before setting off again.

Shangguan Yuntian was very happy to receive the good news from Mo Quan's side, and said to Ye Huang beside him: "This Mo Quan is not bad, after this battle is over, I have to go up one level."

"It seems that he is not the only one who should be promoted. I think there are several generals who are very good at fighting."

"That's right, there are many good seedlings in this batch. If you cultivate them well, they will be the pillars in the future."

The husband and wife walked forward while talking.

The speed of the army was much slower. Mo Quan was almost approaching Xiangcheng, but the army had just arrived at the enemy's base camp.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shangguan Yuntian ordered to stop for a rest and cook lunch.

The army was cooking, but the cavalry led by Mo Quan could only eat dry food.

While gnawing his dry food, Mo Quan looked at Xiangcheng, which was far ahead, and decided to camp nearby.

After all, it was too close to the city of Nan'an. If Nan'an's army was in the city, it would be a matter of minutes to wipe out their 3000 troops.

After eating dry food, Mo Quan found a hillside that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and he could advance and retreat to camp.After settling down, he sent someone to deliver the news to Shangguan Yuntian, and at the same time brought a few of his subordinates into Xiangcheng in disguise.

In Xiangcheng, because the people and officials didn't want to see him, Gu Cheng had no choice but to find a relatively open place two or three miles outside the city to set up camp.

After setting up the camp, the next thing he worried about was food and grass.For this reason, he specially sent Qian Jun to discuss the issue of food and grass with the city guard of Xiangcheng.

But I didn't want to, the other party only gave two words: "No!"

Hearing this reply, Gu Cheng was so angry that he wished he could go into the city to kill the city guard, but in the end a few generals under his command persuaded him.

After a while, he calmed down, and then told Qian Jun, "Take someone to the city to inquire and see how much food and grass you can buy."

The city guards refused to provide food and grass, and Gu Cheng had nothing to do for the time being.Unless the DPRK personally puts pressure on Xiangcheng city guards to donate food and grass, they will have nothing to do at 01:30.

However, now that they have lost the battle and lost their food and grass, they really have no face to ask for it from Chaozhong, so they can only see if they can buy some, first to save the emergency.

Let the soldiers have a full meal first, and then fight Shangguan Yuntian.When they win and take down Los Angeles, they will be strong and confident, and no one will say anything if they ask for food and grass.

Qian Jun brought people into the city again, and when he inquired in the grain shop and rice shop, he was not well.Only then did he know that in Xiangcheng or the entire Nan'an country, except for the government's granary, the merchants did not have much food and grass.

Even if there is a little bit, the price is very expensive, and not many people can afford it.

Even many people have no rice to cook at home, and go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables to eat every day.

Qian Jun took his men to visit all the grain shops in the city, but they got the same news, so he had to go back to the camp outside the city with a heavy heart.

As soon as he returned to Daying, Qian Jun went to find Gu Cheng and reported the food shortage to him.

"What? There is a shortage of food in Xiangcheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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