The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 901 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 901 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

People can't buy food and necessities of life, and their opinions on the royal family are getting bigger and bigger.As a result, the common people made troubles at the yamen and the gate of the palace almost every day, and the officers and soldiers were unable to arrest them.

Within a few days, the prison in Huayu City was overcrowded, causing the officials of Shuntian Mansion a headache.It had to be reported to King Nan'an for a ruling.

Seeing the memorial in the Shuntian Mansion, King Nan'an lost his temper again, and decided to ask his ministers to discuss how to resolve this matter during the morning court the next day.

But not long after, several memorials about the riots of the people in other towns were sent to the palace, which made King Nan'an very angry.

For this reason, he thought of Prince Nangong Yueli.In the past, Nangong Yueli handled many matters in the court.How relaxed he was at that time, as long as he went to court and listened to the ministers' performances.Other matters will be handled by Nangong Yueli.

But now, Nangong Yueli is not here, so he has to make up his mind on everything.One thing after another piled up, and while he was upset, he missed Nangong Yueli more and more.

Now, I don't know if Nangong Yueli has escaped from Dazhao.

Counting it, he hadn't heard from Nangong Yueli for a long time.

Thinking of this, King Nan'an had a look of worry on his face: "Come here!"

King Nan'an shouted loudly, and a hidden guard appeared in front of the emperor, standing respectfully aside: "Your Majesty!"

"Is there no news about the prince yet?" King Nan'an asked.

Now the situation in the middle school is not good, and the crown prince Nangong Yueli has lost the news again, which makes King Nan'an very uneasy and regretful.If he had known earlier, he would have waited for Nangong Yueli to return to China before launching a war.

If Nangong Yueli was here, he believed that things wouldn't go to this point.

"If you go back to the emperor, the subordinates sent many people to find the whereabouts of the prince, but he seems to have disappeared, not at all."

Hearing this, King Nan'an became more and more uneasy, and asked, "Do you think something happened to His Royal Highness?"

"If you go back to the emperor, even if there is no accident with the crown prince, the situation is probably not very good. Otherwise, he will take the initiative to contact us."

"Where are the subordinates of His Highness the Crown Prince? Are there any news?" King Nan'an continued to ask.

Hearing the words, the dark guard hesitated for a moment before saying: "Your Majesty, all the people brought to Dazhao by His Royal Highness were killed by Shangguan Yuntian."

"What?" King Nan'an was shocked, and asked again in disbelief when he saw the dark guard: "What did you say? The people His Royal Highness brought to Dazhao are all dead?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The secret guards nodded affirmatively. After their secret investigation, there was no one available for His Highness the Crown Prince.Otherwise, he will not disappear.

"How could it be?" King Nan'an still couldn't believe it, he knew Nangong Yueli's ability clearly.The reason why Nan'an Kingdom has developed so fast in the past few years is mostly due to Nangong Yueli's contribution.

Because of this, he sent Nangong Yueli to Dazhao to negotiate.He believed that no matter what he did to Dazhao, Nangong Yueli would come back safely.

But now, the reality is that just after he started the war, Nangong Yueli disappeared.

He even wondered if Nangong Yueli fell into the hands of Shangguan Yuntian, otherwise how could he not be found?
Thinking of Shangguan Yuntian, King Nan'an felt a little regretful.He regretted that he underestimated the enemy, and thought that Shangguan Yuntian was nothing to be afraid of after being ignored by Emperor Dazhao for so many years.

But he didn't want to, Shangguan Yuntian was always Shangguan Yuntian, and the tiger was always a tiger, no matter how long it was locked up, it couldn't change its habits.

(End of this chapter)

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