The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 902 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 902 Nan'an will be destroyed ([-])

Just like Shangguan Yuntian, no matter how coldly he is treated or tortured, he is still the war god prince of Dazhao.

The dark guard looked at King Nan'an's uncertain face, stood silently aside, and did not speak again.They didn't believe it either, but that was the truth.

They even suspected that the prince was dead.But he didn't dare to tell King Nan'an, for fear of offending the other party, and he would be punished and even lose his life.

After a while, King Nan'an came back to his senses, suppressed the worries in his heart, looked at the dark guard and asked about Gu Cheng's progress.

King Nan'an asked, "What's going on with the army?"

The dark guard was slightly relieved when he saw that King Nan'an no longer asked about His Highness the Crown Prince.He was really afraid that King Nan'an would continue to ask, and he couldn't help telling him that something must have happened to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Now, since the emperor took the initiative to skip this topic, he would not continue foolishly.So he straightened his expression and said, "Your Majesty, General Gu has fought against Dazhao's army several times since he arrived at the border. He has lost more than [-] horses and has returned to Xiangcheng to rest."

"After repeated defeats, he returned to Xiangcheng to rest. What's going on?" King Nan'an had never received Gu Cheng's battle report, so he didn't know anything about his situation at all.

He always thought that Gu Cheng hadn't formally fought Dazhao yet, and was still waiting for the opportunity.But the hidden guard told him that not only did the two sides fight, but Gu Cheng also lost.Not only that, he also lost 10,000+ troops.

what on earth is it?

Since when did Gu Cheng become so useless that he has been defeated repeatedly?If he remembered correctly, a few years ago, Gu Cheng fought against Shangguan Yuntian, but he won, and the victory was beautiful.

It's only been a few years, how could he be so vulnerable?
Also, even if he lost the battle, why did he return to Xiangcheng? Could there be other things?

Thinking about it, King Nan'an asked again, "Why did Gu Cheng retreat to Xiangcheng? Could it be that Dazhao's army came after him?"

"Returning to the emperor, according to the information received by my subordinates, General Gu returned to Xiangcheng because the army's food and grass were burned."

"What, the food was burned? What the hell is Gu Cheng doing, can't even keep a piece of food?" King Nan'an's face became more and more ugly when he heard the fire.If Gu Cheng was here, he would definitely scold him.

It's a pity that Gu Cheng is not here, he just wants to swear, and he has no one to vent his anger on.

The dark guard glanced at King Nan'an, and added fuel to the fire: "The army still has a part of food and grass that was robbed by Dazhao."

King Nan'an couldn't bear it any longer when he heard this, and cursed loudly: "Trash!"

After scolding, King Nan'an thought about it, and felt that Gu Cheng should be taught a lesson.Therefore, he decided to remove Gu Cheng's title as General and let another general take his place temporarily.

The king of Nan'an thought about the generals who were going on the expedition, and finally decided to let Chen Cheng take the place of Gu Cheng temporarily.

So, he yelled, "Come on!"

A servant came in, saluted King Nan'an and asked, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"The decree is that General Gu Cheng, who has been defeated in many battles, is unfit to be the commander of the army. General Chen Cheng will temporarily take the post of General."

After King Nan'an finished speaking, the servant walked aside and was about to write the imperial decree.At this time, the secret guard spoke again, saying: "Report to the emperor, General Chen Cheng was captured by Dazhao in the battle the day before yesterday."

With a snap, the pen in the waiter's hand fell off.He looked up at the dark guard with a look of shock.

 Thanks to Hanxin Bingshan for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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