The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 905 Nan'an will be destroyed

Chapter 905 Nan'an Will Be Extinct ([-])

"That's right, we should be able to attack the city soon. In this way, I'll discuss it with the soldiers first, and you rest first." Shangguan said to the sky, kissed Ye Huang's forehead, and then left the big account.

Because of Yehuang's relationship, Shangguan Yuntian arranged a special account for discussion.

Shangguan Yuntian went to discuss matters, Yehuang was a little bored, no one spoke, and he didn't want to take a break so soon, so he planned to take a walk outside.

As soon as he got out of the big tent, Ye Huang saw Ye Su sitting with the brothers of the Canglang team, talking for some reason.

Ever since Ye Su and the members of the wolf team escorted the food, their relationship has improved by leaps and bounds.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Yehuang walked up to several people and asked with a smile.



Seeing Yehuang, everyone stood up and greeted Chu Liuyue.

Yehuang nodded, then found a place to sit down, and then asked, "Why didn't you go to rest?"

"Boss, didn't you rest?" Cang smiled and said, although he was a little tired from the march, but instead of lying on the bed and resting alone, why don't we all sit down and chat.

"I can't sleep, I can't come out for a walk."

"We are all the same." The other brothers followed suit.On the other hand, Ye Su looked at Ye Huang and asked worriedly, "Huang'er, can you bear it if you march with us like this?"

Hearing Ye Su's words, the brothers of Canglang Team looked at him like an idiot, and asked, "Brother Ye, are you telling a joke?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Su frowned, he just cared about Ye Huang, why did it become a joke?

The brothers knew that Ye Su didn't understand, so they kindly explained: "Brother Ye, do you know why we call the princess the boss?"

"Why?" Ye Su really didn't know, she was still wondering just now.

"That's because we were all taught by the boss."

As soon as the words came out, Ye Su looked at Ye Huang in shock, and asked, "Huang'er, is what they said true?"

Could it be that the brothers in several teams were all taught by Yehuang?

Although he had heard this rumor before, he never believed it.Since Yehuang is here today, and the brothers are also here, he can ask clearly.

"Yes!" Ye Huang nodded, Ye Su's eyes widened, and she muttered to herself, "How is this possible?"

"Brother Ye, why is it impossible?" The brothers were a little displeased with Ye Su's suspicious words.Who was that, that was their boss, how could he doubt it.

"Huang'er is a woman." Ye Su held back such a sentence for a long time, which made the brothers despise him even more, and said: "Boss said that a woman can hold up half the sky. Brother Ye, your thinking is outdated. Boss He also said that men who look down on women will suffer."

"I, I didn't look down on women." Ye Su argued, and turned to Ye Huang for help.He didn't look down on women, not to mention that Ye Huang was still his sister.He looked down on anyone, and he didn't dare to look down on Ye Huang.

If this was the case, Shangguan Yuntian alone would not be able to spare him without Yehuang's actions.

"Hmph, you don't trust the boss, but you just look down on women." The brothers unanimously stared at Ye Su, and the protective look warmed Ye Huang's heart.

"No, no, really not. Huang'er is my younger sister. It's too late for me to be proud of her. How can I look down on her. Just now, I was just too surprised. Yes, too surprised."

(End of this chapter)

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