The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 906 Start Siege

Chapter 906 Start Siege ([-])

After Ye Su explained, she turned to look at Ye Huang again, and said, "Huang'er, you have to trust me."

Seeing Ye Su's eagerness to defend herself, Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, and said, "Brother, I believe in you."

Hearing Ye Huang's words, Ye Su finally felt relieved, and said to himself: It's okay, it's okay, Huang'er believes him.In the future, Shangguan Yuntian should not trouble him.

After hearing Ye Su's words, the brothers didn't make things difficult for him anymore, but chatted with Ye Huang.

Chatting and chatting, we talked about this war, when we talked about the siege of the city.For the Canglang team, in fact, they are still willing to perform some special tasks because they are deep in their hearts.For example, sneaking into the enemy's interior, destroying the enemy's deployment and so on.

So, a brother asked: "Boss, when will we attack Xiangcheng, do we have a mission?"

"The siege is probably coming soon. As for the mission..." Yehuang paused in the middle of her speech, looked at everyone, and pretended to be tricky.

The brothers looked at Yehuang and heard that they were about to attack the city. They were a little excited, but Yehuang didn't say whether they had any missions, so they couldn't help getting anxious and urged: "Boss, hurry up, let's talk about it." Is there any mission?"

"You really want the mission that much?" Ye Huang glanced at everyone, and asked with a smile instead of answering directly.

"Boss, aren't you talking nonsense?" The brothers looked at Yehuang speechlessly. Wasn't it for a special mission when they were trained?
Now that the siege is imminent, they don't believe that there will be no room for them.

Yehuang looked at the eager eyes, laughed, and said, "Okay, seeing how active you all are, I'll go to King Yun and ask him to arrange some tasks for you so that you don't have to spend so much time every day." idle."

"Really?" The brothers became excited again, and said, "That's great. Boss, we love you to death."

Far away, before Shangguan Yuntian approached, he heard the brothers express their love to Yehuang so straightforwardly, he couldn't help but turn dark, quicken his pace, came to the crowd, and asked in a cold voice: "What are you talking about? So lively?"

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian approaching, Ye Su minimized her sense of existence as much as possible, and sat silently by the side without speaking.

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes did not fall on him, but looked at Yehuang, and asked in a pan-acid tone: "Just now, what did you say about whether you love him or not? What's going on?"

As soon as Shangguan Yuntian came, Yehuang felt that his mood was not right.Didn't he have time to ask him, and the sour words came out.

Hearing this, Yehuang knew that Shangguan Yuntian was jealous again, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just asked you for instructions and gave them some tasks, so that they don't have nothing to do."

"Mission?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at his brothers, thinking of what they just said, his eyes flickered.

He was thinking about how to deal with these people, and he dared to express his love to Yehuang, treating him as a husband who was not good enough.But unexpectedly, Yehuang actually brought it up.

OK, that's great.He just happened to be able to give them little shoes to wear in a fair and honest manner.

So, he glanced at the brothers and said calmly: "Speaking of tasks, there is indeed one. I just don't know if you dare to take it?"

"There is no task in this world that we dare not take on. Tell me, what is the task?" The brothers were agitated by Shangguan Yuntian's intention, and they were a little bit impatient.

It's not that they're blowing, since their inception, there hasn't been a mission they can't accomplish.

(End of this chapter)

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