The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 907 Start Siege

Chapter 907 Start Siege ([-])
It was unforgivable that King Yun doubted their abilities.Therefore, they didn't think much about it at all, and directly confronted Shangguan Yuntian.

Yehuang looked at her, and helped her forehead speechlessly, wanting to remind everyone, but she closed her mouth against Shangguan Yuntian's warning gaze.

Well, if someone knocked over the jar of jealousy, it's better for her not to speak up.Otherwise, the difficulty of this task will increase.

Although she has confidence in her subordinates, she still doesn't want any accidents to happen to them because of Shangguan Yuntian's jealousy.

Yehuang didn't say anything, Shangguan Yuntian was very satisfied, and the expression on his face eased a lot. Looking at the brothers, he said: "The mission is very simple, sneak into Xiangcheng before attacking the city, eliminate the guards at the city gate, and welcome the army Into the city."

"That's it?"

The brothers thought it was a difficult task, but it turned out that it was just killing a few guards.For them, that is definitely a matter of hand.

In a word, that is trivial.

"That's right." Shangguan Yuntian nodded.This task looks easy, but in fact it is more difficult to complete.Not to mention that each city originally had a lot of guarding soldiers, and with the addition of Gu Cheng's hundreds of thousands of troops, the number was more than doubled.

Although, Gu Cheng's army may not be able to defend the city, but if they find out their intentions, Gu Cheng will definitely not ignore them.Therefore, these people must enter the city without anyone noticing, and then deal with those who guard the city gate.

And this is not easy.

"Small idea." The brothers readily agreed. For them, this task is somewhat difficult, but it is not impossible.

Cang has not opened his mouth all this time, he thinks more than his brothers, and observes more keenly.He could tell that Shangguan Yuntian was deliberately targeting them.

As for the reason, he is not quite sure.

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian didn't have any malicious intentions, so Cang didn't stop his brothers from accepting this task.

Cang thought about it in his heart, then looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked, "I wonder when King Yun plans to attack the city?"

"Tomorrow night."

Shangguan Yuntian spat out a few words lightly, he had just discussed with the generals.Gu Cheng's food and grass can last until tomorrow at most, but Xiang City is short of food.Tomorrow night is the best time to attack the city.

Because at that time, the city guards of Gucheng and Xiangcheng were worried about the lack of food, and they never thought that they would attack the city at this time.

"Understood." Cang nodded, then looked at Ye Huang and said, "Boss, do you know if the other three teams have other arrangements?"

As soon as Cang opened his mouth, Yehuang knew his intention, so he shook his head and said, "No, you can go with them to carry out this mission."

"Yes, thank you, Boss." Cang happily saluted Yehuang, then turned to Shangguan Yuntian and said, "King Yun, let's make preparations first, let's say goodbye."

After speaking, Cang left with his brothers and Ye Su.

Originally, Ye Su wanted to talk to Ye Huang, but seeing Shangguan Yuntian was present, he had no choice but to leave first.

Only Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were left at the scene. She looked at each other, thinking that he was jealous again, reached out and pinched his face, and said, "You!"

Shangguan Yuntian pressed Yehuang's troublesome hand, looked at her seriously, and said, "Huang'er, you can only love me."

Yehuang was speechless again, and gave him a hard look, then aimed at his lips, and bit hard.

A man who eats vinegar indiscriminately is so unlovable.

There was a pain on his lips, but Shangguan Yuntian was not annoyed, instead he laughed and said persistently: "Huang'er, promise me."


(End of this chapter)

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