The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 917 Breaking into the Capital

Chapter 917 Breaking into the Capital City ([-])

For this reason, Yehuang's prestige in Xiangcheng is growing, just like a real city guard.It wasn't until the person selected by Shangguan Yuntian arrived that Yehuang handed over the rights.

Then took Mu Fei and others to the next city.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about Shangguan Yuntian and his army.After leaving Xiangcheng, they took Fengcheng, which is the closest to Xiangcheng, as their target.

Compared with Xiangcheng, Fengcheng has only one thousand defenders, which is nothing compared to Shangguan Yuntian's army.

Dazhao originally had an army of 30, plus the hundreds of thousands of surrendered troops from Nan'an before, the total number was more than [-]. With such a large army, Fengcheng was captured almost effortlessly.

After capturing Fengcheng, Shangguan Yuntian stayed to sit in the town, while Yunfei and others continued to lead the army to attack other cities in Nan'an.

Shangguan Yuntian stayed in Fengcheng and began to rectify the affairs in the city, especially the problem of food shortage.Fortunately, Yehuang had already ordered the people of the Four Seas Trading Company to prepare food, and only waited for Shangguan Yuntian to open the warehouse to release the food after he captured Fengcheng.

At first, the people will resist.Later, when they learned that there was food, they directly abandoned Nan'an and supported Dazhao.

There was food to open the way, and other cities in Nan'an quickly surrendered without a single soldier at all.

A month later, only Huayu City, the capital of Nan'an, remained.

Huayu City is the capital of Nan'an, and the people living in it are not only the royal family, but also the officials from the major families.For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian treated it more cautiously.In addition, as the capital city, the army guarding the city is not only 1 to [-].

Originally, Huayu City had 15 Yulin Army, and after learning that Shangguan Yuntian was attacking the city all the way, King Nan'an specially dispatched another [-] troops from other places, making a total of [-] troops.

After learning that there are so many people guarding Huayu City, Shangguan Yuntian did not directly attack the city, but ordered the army to surround Huayu City, only allowed to enter but not to exit.

He had already received information that there was not much food in Huayu City, and there were so many people and soldiers in the city that they could last half a month at most.

For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian decided to sleep for ten days and a half months, and then waited until the city ran out of food, and King Nan'an took the initiative to surrender.

Flower Rain City, the Imperial Palace.

The king of Nan'an and the ministers are discussing the countermeasures. Now the outside has been besieged by the army. If they don't go out suddenly, they will be trapped in the capital sooner or later.

"Your Majesty, why don't we surrender." One of the ministers suddenly said, the whole hall fell silent, and all eyes fell on that minister.

After a while, someone spoke, looked at the minister who offered to surrender, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, Nan'an is over." The minister did not look at his colleagues, but at King Nan'an, and said.Now, the territory of Nan'an has most likely fallen into the hands of Shangguan Yuntian.

Now the only remaining capital city is besieged again, and there is no other way but surrender.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about. When will Nan'an be over? As long as I'm here, Nan'an will not be over." Nan'an King's face darkened when he heard the minister's words, and he began to curse.

It's not that he doesn't know the situation outside, but he still has a little fantasy.He felt that as long as Huayu City didn't fall into Shangguan Yuntian's hands, Nan'an would still be there, and he would still be the aloof emperor.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing King Nan'an's self-deception, the minister was about to analyze the relationship with him.It's a pity that King Nan'an is no longer ready to give him a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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