The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 918 Breaking into the Capital

Chapter 918 Breaking into the Capital ([-])

Only Nan'an Dynasty shouted at His Highness: "Come here, take this traitor who is bewitching the crowd with me and kill him."

The minister was dragged out by the guards who came in, but none of the ministers present dared to speak, for fear of being angered and losing their lives.

But the minister, when he was taken away, still said loudly: "Your majesty, your majesty, you can't do this. I am not wrong, I am for the people of Nan'an. Now that the army is besieging the city, if you don't surrender, then wait until the other party attacks When entering the city, it is the common people who suffer.”

The king of Nan'an didn't listen to the minister's words at all. At this moment, he was only thinking about how to keep his throne.As for the people, he can't control so much.

After taking away the minister who surrendered, King Nan'an's mood did not improve.He looked at the ministers below, and asked again: "I don't know if you, dear ministers, have a good strategy to defeat the enemy?"

All the ministers became silent, each of them lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak out.

"Why don't you talk anymore, are you dumb?" Seeing that no one spoke, King Nan'an became angry and shouted loudly.

The ministers still didn't open their mouths, holding the law and not blaming the public.

The King of Nan'an couldn't stand it any longer, so he called out his names directly: "Prime Minister Wang, you are the head of all the officials, so tell me, what should you do?"

Prime Minister Wang was named, so he had to stand up and said, "Your Majesty, I am incompetent and have no countermeasures."

It's no wonder Prime Minister Wang said that, it's really that Nan'an is now at the end of its rope.Not to mention that the outside city was captured by Shangguan Yuntian, but the lack of food in Nan'an has already made Nan'an unable to turn over.

Coupled with the strong suppression of the commercial firms by King Nan'an at the beginning, the lives of the people fell into chaos. The lack of food and daily necessities directly plunged the people into dire straits.

For this reason, King Nan'an not only wanted to repent, but intensified his efforts by arresting those who caused troubles, which completely lost the hearts of the people.

Now, the people in Nan'an support Shangguan Yuntian and Dazhao, but they have many complaints about Nan'an.

"Trash!" Hearing this, King Nan'an was so angry that he picked up the things on the table and threw them at people.Ever since Nan'an started to fall into trouble, these ministers have been perfunctory every day, which really pissed him off.

Now, when it's time for life and death, they're still silent, damn it.

The more he thought about it, the angrier King Nan'an became, and he decided to kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey.Aren't they helpless and countermeasures? Then he will force them well.

He didn't believe it, and couldn't force their way.

So, King Nan'an looked at Prime Minister Wang coldly, and said, "Prime Minister Wang, you really have no choice, or you don't want to say it. If you really have no choice, then I don't mind if you abdicate to let the virtuous."

When Prime Minister Wang heard the threatening words from King Nan'an, his face was calm, and he stepped forward and said: "I ask you to resign."

As soon as these words came out, King Nan'an was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Prime Minister Wang, speechless for a long time.No, why is this different from what he imagined.Shouldn't Prime Minister Wang be afraid and sincere, and then ask him to take back his life and say that he has a way to solve the current predicament?
But why is Prime Minister Wang so calm now, why did he resign on his own initiative?What is he trying to do, to threaten him, the emperor, in turn?
Thinking that the prime minister might want to threaten him, King Nan'an's face became even more ugly, he glared at the prime minister and said coldly: "Prime Minister Wang, do you really want to resign?"

(End of this chapter)

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