The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 920 Breaking into the Capital

Chapter 920 Breaking into the Capital ([-])

The king of Nan'an suddenly changed his attitude, which surprised all the officials.He was even more shocked when he heard that he was going to kill the prime minister.

They looked up at King Nan'an together, and looked at his cold face, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

What if the emperor really decided to kill them all?
This thought quickly flashed through the minds of the ministers.

Fortunately, this idea was just a flash, and was ruled out by the ministers.Now, there is no one in the court, if they are killed, King Nan'an will be a polished emperor, who will share his worries.

Therefore, at best, he was just killing chickens and monkeys.

Having figured it out, all the ministers were slightly relieved, and then they all pleaded with Prime Minister Wei Wang.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Wang cannot be killed."

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Wang has devoted himself to Nan'an, worked hard, and his merits outweigh his demerits. Please think again, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, the enemy is approaching the city right now, so we can't fight among ourselves."

"Your Majesty, think twice."

Ministers, you said one sentence, and I pleaded for Prime Minister Wang, which made Nan'an King very annoyed.He really wanted to kill Prime Minister Wang, but seeing all the ministers pleading for Prime Minister Wang, he worried that it would chill everyone's hearts.

At that time, no one would be willing to share his worries.

So, after much deliberation, the emperor finally compromised, and said coldly: "Prime Minister Wang, since everyone is begging for you, then I will forgive you once. Remember, I gave you your official position, and I can give it, and I can give it to you." Accept. Don’t say anything about resignation, otherwise I will let your heads move regardless of who pleads.”

After finishing speaking, King Nan'an looked at his ministers again, "It's the same with you."

After hearing this, all the ministers had to agree in unison.

King Nan'an was satisfied now, and then ordered: "Now that Shangguan Yuntian's soldiers are approaching the city, all my loves should think about the countermeasures after returning. I don't want to ask questions tomorrow."

King Nan'an finished speaking and left the hall directly.

The servant watched Nan'an King leave, and then announced his retirement.

"Prime Minister Wang, what should we do?" All the ministers left the palace and gathered together to think of countermeasures.

"What should we do?" Prime Minister Wang glanced at everyone indifferently, and said, "It's better to live than to die. Now Nanan has no chance of winning, and sooner or later it will fall into Dazhao's hands. Since this is the case, why don't we take the initiative?"

"What does Prime Minister mean?" Everyone looked at Prime Minister Wang and asked.

"Do you still remember what Liu Shilang said?" Prime Minister Wang asked. Liu Shilang was the minister who said he would surrender but was killed by King Nan'an.

"Of course I remember." It's only been so long, how could he not forget.They will never forget what happened today.

"What does the prime minister mean?" Someone reacted and looked at Wang Chengxiang in surprise.

Prime Minister Wang didn't care, and said coldly, "Since following the emperor is the only way to die, why don't we go another way?"

"Yes, the prime minister is right. We have to go another way."

"Master Prime Minister, we listen to you."

"Is this possible?" someone asked worriedly.

"Is it okay? I'll find out after sending someone to talk." Prime Minister Wang has never had contact with Shangguan Yuntian, and he has no idea about surrendering.

But he didn't want to sit and wait for death, he didn't want to be buried with King Nan'an, and he didn't want to take the life of his family or the whole family.

"Who is suitable to send?"


Prime Minister Wang was discussing the matter of surrendering to Shangguan Yuntian, but in the camp outside the city, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian were discussing the issue of summoning the Huayu City army to surrender.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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