The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 921 Persuading the Kingdom to Surrender

Chapter 921 Persuading the Kingdom to Surrender ([-])

The highest state of fighting is nothing more than defeating others without fighting.If they can summon the enemy army without spending a single soldier, why not do it?
"Yuntian, there is only Huayu City left, what are you going to do?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked with a smile.As long as Huayu City is defeated, Nan'an will really destroy the country.

Now that they are approaching the city, the King of Nan'an is probably in a state of distress.In the past, she heard that most of Nan'an's political affairs were handled by Prince Nangong Yueli, and she couldn't believe it.Now that he saw King Nan'an's insensibility, he truly believed the previous rumors.

This King Nan'an is really too incompetent. In other words, he is just out of his mind.If he hadn't made those foolish tricks when he was short of food, he didn't close down businesses and shops, and didn't arrest people, but instead wrote books to borrow food from Donghua or Xishui, perhaps Nan'an wouldn't have lost so quickly.

"I'm going to send someone to talk to the guards of the city." Shangguan Yuntian revealed his plan. Now Huayu City has more than [-] soldiers and horses. Although they won't suffer in a fight, Shangguan Yuntian is still It would be worth wasting a little time if I could save some sacrifices.

"You want to surrender?" Yehuang's eyes lit up, Shangguan Yuntian thought of going with her.Surrendering is the best way right now, which can reduce unnecessary sacrifices.

Of course, they can also besiege and not attack until the opponent runs out of food.But in this way, a lot of time will be wasted, which is not what Shangguan Yuntian wants to see.

After fighting for more than a month, the soldiers were very tired.If the war can be ended earlier, the soldiers can also rest earlier.


"Has anyone chosen?" Ye Huang asked with a smile.

"Not yet. I heard that the general guarding the city is not easy to talk about. He only accepts death. He is also the confidant of King Nan'an, so it is difficult to deal with."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Yuntian was a little worried.Although the idea of ​​recruiting surrender is good, who to send is a problem.Although the two armies do not fight each other, who knows if the other side will go crazy.Once the opponent goes crazy, even if the envoy is beheaded, there is no other way.

Therefore, those who go to recruit surrender must not only be bold and eloquent, but also have high martial arts skills.In the military, such people are hard to find.

There are such people in Dazhao Chaotang, but it is a pity that the distant water cannot save the near thirsty, even if he sends a letter back immediately, when the people from the court arrive, the day lily will be cold.

He must determine the candidate as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later.

"Is that so?" Ye Huang lowered her head and pondered for a while, then asked, "I don't know the guard's name?"

"Feng Qianliang!"

"Feng Qianliang?" Yehuang was taken aback, looking at Shangguan Yuntian.

"Why, do you know each other?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Ye Huang and asked.Yehuang's tone and expression just now seemed to be no stranger to Feng Qianliang.

"I know." Yehuang nodded. Speaking of Feng Qianliang, she saved his life.Two years ago, when Yehuang went out to practice in the mountains, he met Feng Qianliang who had been poisoned by a snake, and saved his life.

"Really?" Shangguan Yuntian couldn't believe it. If Yehuang knew Feng Qianliang, it would be much easier.In any case, Feng Qianliang would not be so wary of people he knew.And Yehuang's eloquence, he has experienced it before, it is definitely first-class.

If Yehuang can go...

Shangguan Yuntian was thinking about this question when he heard Yehuang say, "Why don't I go meet him for a while."

 Thank you Mu Xi for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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