The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 925 Persuading surrender and destroying the country

Chapter 925

Huang looked at Yehuang, and asked seriously: "If Brother Feng is as you wish, what guarantee can you give him?"

"What guarantee does sister-in-law want?" Yehuang looked back at Huang's and asked seriously.Can't tell, this Huang family is not simple.She probably didn't want Feng Qianliang to die, and she wouldn't get a good reputation either.

If that's the case, it's better to be alive.Although the reputation is gone, at least the life is still there.Therefore, the guarantee Huang wanted was nothing more than that Feng Qianliang could live in peace.

"Life is safe."

Sure enough, what Huang said was the same as what Yehuang thought, for the sake of Feng Qianliang's life.Regarding this point, Ye Huang could guarantee the other party.Not only that, she can also give glory and wealth.

However, before Ye Huang could speak, Feng Qianliang pulled his wife and said with displeasure: "Little brother Yun, don't listen to her nonsense. I will not surrender."

"Husband!" Upon hearing this, Huang's eyes turned red, and he said, "Are you going to leave me and my son alone?"

"Me?" Feng Qianliang was speechless, looking at Huang's tears, his heart ached.Stretching out his hand, he gently wiped the tears on her face, and said sadly, "That's my life."

As generals, shrouded in horse leather and killed in battle is their final destination.

Besides, loyalty and righteousness cannot be both. Since he chose to be loyal to the emperor, he can only feel sorry for his wife and children.

"Husband, don't say that. You still have other choices, don't you? Is it possible that your husband knows that there is a dead end ahead, but you still want to go on? If your husband is gone, then what's the point of living with my child? If it is true If we are owned by little brother Ruyun, then even if we live on, we will not be able to escape the guidance of others for the rest of our lives."

"Ma'am, your thinking is too simple. Even if I surrender without a fight, as Little Brother Yun said, I may not be able to save my life. Once the emperor and the courtiers, which master would be willing to ask the old master to surrender?" people?"

"So, it's not a dead word in the end."

Feng Qianliang obviously thought more than Huang's. He felt that no new master would be willing to use the old master's people.

No matter how well the other party speaks and how many guarantees they give when trying to persuade them to surrender.When the matter is over, the birds will be exhausted and the bow will be hidden.

Hearing Feng Qianliang's words, Yehuang knew that he was a little shaken, but he was just worried that the bird would run out.She could understand his worry.

So, Yehuang smiled and said to Feng Qianliang and Huang: "Brother Feng, please rest assured. If you surrender, I can guarantee that nothing will happen. I can guarantee that Brother Feng will be safe." , no matter when. If Brother Feng is willing, he can even continue to be your general and continue to defend the country."

"Why should we believe you?" Feng Qianliang looked at Ye Huang, deeply suspicious of her words.

Huang was also a little skeptical, after all, Yehuang's words were too loud.It sounds as if everything is up to her.

Hearing Feng Qianliang's words, Yehuang laughed, her smile was as bright as the sun, and she said, "Just because I am Yehuang and Princess Yun."

"What did you say?" Hearing these words, Feng Qianliang and Huang Shi were shocked, staring blankly at Yehuang, they couldn't believe their ears.

What did they hear just now?Brother Yun said she was Yehuang, Princess Yun?is this real?Could it be that they got it wrong?
Yehuang saw the suspicion and shock in the eyes of the two, and the smile on her face became wider. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why, don't you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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