The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 926 Persuading surrender and destroying the country

Chapter 926

Feng Qianliang and Huang Shi nodded violently as if they were bewitched by Ye Huang's smile.But at this moment, Yehuang stretched out her hand to her head, and in the eyes of the two of them, pulled out the jade hairpin that bound her hair.

Following her movements, a head of black and beautiful hair poured down, spreading over her shoulders like ink.

Seeing this scene, the two opened their eyes wide again.


"You should believe it now." Yehuang looked at the two with a smile, her delicate face was as soft as a flower.

Feng Qianliang and Huang's family were completely stunned. They never thought that Ye Huang was a woman.Especially Feng Qianliang, he kept calling for little brother Yun, little brother Yun, but he didn't know that it was her.

Feng Qianliang couldn't help but blushed when he thought of the intimate actions he had made to her before, such as patting her shoulder.

"Yun, Yun..." Feng Qianliang wanted to call out to Brother Yun, but when he thought that Yehuang was a girl, he didn't know how to call out.

Yehuang, on the other hand, saw the embarrassment of the other party, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng can call me Yehuang, or Miss Yun."

"No, no, let's call you Princess Yun." Feng Qianliang waved his hand, finally believing Ye Huang's words.

Although he had never met Princess Yun, he had heard of her name.He knew that Princess Yun's name was Ye Huang, and he knew even more that no one would dare to pretend to be Princess Yun at this time.

"Whatever you want." Yehuang waved her hand, she really didn't care about the address.But what she said before, she wanted to get Feng Qianliang's affirmative consent, so she said: "Brother Feng, you should trust me now."

"Of course!"

"If that's the case, then I don't know what my previous proposal is, how did Brother Feng think about it?" Yehuang repeated the old words, looked at Feng Qianliang, and waited for his answer.

Feng Qianliang did not agree immediately, but thought for a while, exchanged glances with Huang Shi, and then said: "Okay, I promise you."

"Cheer up!" Yehuang laughed, and today's trip was finally not in vain.

Yehuang reached an agreement with Feng Qianliang, and Shangguan Yuntian outside the city reached a preliminary agreement with Prime Minister Wang. They just waited for the formal meeting with Prime Minister Wang to confirm the time.

As for when this time is set, Shangguan Yuntian will have to wait for news from Yehuang.

After Prime Minister Wang's subordinates completed the task assigned by their master, they did not stay outside the city for too long, and returned to the city in a hurry to return to their orders.

After the other party left, Shangguan Yuntian passed the news to Yehuang.

When Yehuang was discussing the surrender details with Feng Qianliang, a hidden guard suddenly appeared and said, "Princess, a letter from your lord!"

Seeing the dark guard who suddenly appeared, Feng Qianliang's eyes flickered, and he became more convinced of Yehuang's identity in his heart.

Yehuang glanced at the dark guard, reached out to take Shangguan Yuntian's letter, and opened it to read.After reading the letter, she crumpled the letter into a ball, squeezed it lightly with her jade fingers, and a burst of powder fell from her hand.

After that, she said to the hidden guard: "Tell your lord, my side is going well. I will go back when the time is determined."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

The dark guard left in a flash, just like when he came, without making a sound.

After the dark guard left, Yehuang said to Feng Qianliang: "Brother Feng, someone in the court contacted King Yun and prepared to sacrifice the city."

"What?" Feng Qianliang was startled and looked at Yehuang.If the ministers in the court really want to dedicate the city, then he will definitely become a thorn in their side.

In this way, they will definitely deal with him first.

(End of this chapter)

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