The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 929 Persuading surrender and destroying the country

Chapter 929

With double insurance, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian are more at ease.

The next night, while the people of Huayu City were still asleep, Feng Qianliang opened the city gate to welcome Shangguan Yuntian's army into the city.

When the king of Nan'an learned that the army had entered the city, he was asleep. When he heard the news, he was so angry that he vomited blood.He kept yelling at Feng Qianliang as a traitor, and asked the palace guards to kill Feng Qianliang.

It's a pity that his big inner guards have long been bought by Prime Minister Wang, and they don't listen to King Nan'an at all.

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Nan'an knew that his situation was over, and no matter how much he struggled, it would be of no avail.

Seeing Prime Minister Wang and some ministers surrounded by the dragon bed, King Nan'an was so angry that he cursed, "Prime Minister Wang, what are you doing? Rebellion?"

Prime Minister Wang glanced at King Nan'an lightly, and said, "Your Majesty, we just want to live well."

"Fart!" King Nan'an was so angry that he couldn't help but swear.What is for survival? To put it nicely, to put it bluntly is betrayal.

These people betrayed him and Nan'an.

"Your Majesty, why are you angry? Don't you know what's going on now? There are more than 20 cities in Nan'an, and hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, and now only Huayu City is left. Tell me, what's the difference between this and the destruction of the country? "

King Nan'an was speechless after what Prime Minister Wang said.For a long time, it was not that he didn't know that the country was shrinking, and it wasn't that he didn't want to recover it, but he had no food or money, and he couldn't bear to ask other countries for help, and it turned out like this.

If he had known that the attack on Dazhao would be such a result, he would not do anything to die.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

The King of Nan'an had nothing to say, Prime Minister Wang and the ministers did not make things difficult for him, and left the palace one by one.

When all the officials left, King Nan'an sat for a while, thinking that he was about to become a prisoner, still a little unwilling.

He wanted to escape, wanted to leave the palace.

So, he yelled towards the void: "Come on!"

Most of the palace was controlled by Prime Minister Wang, but the emperor still had some confidantes and secret guards.

So, King Nan'an's shout fell, and a hidden guard appeared in front of him.

"Take me away." King Nan'an ordered.

Hearing King Nan'an's order, the dark guard took him and prepared to leave without saying a word.

However, not long after they left the bedroom, they were stopped.

Looking at the person who blocked him from leaving, King Nan'an's expression was extremely ugly, he glared at him and said, "Prime Minister Wang, what exactly do you want?"

"I don't think about it, I just want the emperor to stay." Prime Minister Wang said lightly. Fortunately, he bought people around the emperor. Otherwise, if King Nan'an really escaped, he would have no way to explain to Shangguan Yuntian .

"You bastard, I am the emperor and the son of heaven, if I want to leave, who dares to stop me?" King Nan'an looked at the prime minister and cursed.

"Your Majesty, please don't embarrass me." Prime Minister Wang's voice was still as flat as ever, and he called the people around him to come forward and prepare to take the emperor back.

"Who would dare?" the emperor cursed, full of anger.The hidden guards beside him also immediately blocked the emperor.

"Your Majesty, don't push me." Prime Minister Wang looked at the angry King Nan'an and sighed slightly.He is still old after all, if it was Prince Nangong Yueli at this time, he would never take this step.

 Thank you sister Zhou for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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