The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 930 Persuade surrender and destroy the country

Chapter 930

"Bring the emperor back." Prime Minister Wang spoke again, and the people around him quickly stepped forward, those who fought against the hidden guards, those who fought against the hidden guards, those who went forward to arrest King Nan'an.

After a while, the hidden guard was killed, and King Nan'an was taken back to his bedroom.

Because Yehuang had already confessed that Prime Minister Wang was looking at King Nan'an, so after he found out that King Nan'an had the idea of ​​escaping, he was directly guarded.

In order to prevent King Nan'an from escaping again, Prime Minister Wang even ruthlessly killed King Nan'an's confidants.

The king of Nan'an was locked up alone in the main hall, he was so angry that he was dying, but he was powerless. In addition to regret, he still regretted it.

Shangguan Yuntian's army entered the city overnight and headed towards the palace.The guards in the palace didn't know whether they were bought by Wang Cheng and others, or they heard that they would have food with Shangguan Yuntian, but no one stopped them, and they just watched helplessly as Shangguan Yuntian led the army into the palace.

Shangguan Yuntian's army quickly took control of the entire palace, and then asked Prime Minister Wang to inquire about the situation.When he knew that King Nan'an was locked up, he nodded in satisfaction, and instead of going to see the person directly, he replaced the guard with his own.

The matter went smoothly, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian felt relieved, and after arranging the matter, they let the subordinates go to rest in batches.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't stay up late either, because they had more important things to do the next day.So, after arranging the things where they were, the two found an empty palace in the palace and spent the night.

Early the next morning, when his ministers went to court, they saw Dazhao's soldiers everywhere, and only then did they know that the dynasty had changed.

For this change, some people quickly accepted it, while some clamored for the so-called integrity to show their ambitions by death.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang just stood in the hall, watching those ministers show their so-called integrity and integrity, they didn't speak or stop them.

In the end, the ministers couldn't pretend anymore, and stood in the hall with embarrassing expressions, not knowing what to do.

"Ministers, why aren't you dead?" Yehuang coldly glanced at the ministers who were still standing while shouting that death would prove their will, with a mocking look on their faces.

Yehuang didn't like the hypocrisy of these ministers at all. If she was asked to employ people, she would rather use a real villain like Prime Minister Wang than these pretending hypocrites.

"You, you?" Those ministers were so angry at Yehuang's words, but they had no choice but to let her decide now.

"Come here, take these ministers down." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, he disdained to use such ministers.

As his words fell, several soldiers walked in and dragged down those pretending ministers.

Poor ministers, originally they just wanted to make a show to make Shangguan Yuntian value them, but they didn't want to be self-defeating. They lost face and got nothing in the end.

Those ministers were taken away, and the rest were almost all from Prime Minister Wang's faction.Shangguan Yuntian didn't care about it, and directly asked Prime Minister Wang to lead the ministers to deal with political affairs, and asked them to contact the people from the Four Seas Commercial Company who delivered the food.

Prime Minister Wang did not expect that Shangguan Yuntian would directly leave such an important matter to him. While excited, he was also full of admiration.

Don't use people with suspicion, don't use people who are suspicious.

If it is courageous, it is worthy of being King Yun of Dazhao.

Prime Minister Wang was impressed and admired in his heart, and cheerfully led his subordinates to work.

(End of this chapter)

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