The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 942 Mother Clan Beichen

Chapter 942 Mother Clan Beichen ([-])

"That's right, I am Concubine Ru." Concubine Ru said calmly, the moment she admitted her identity, she had a decision in her heart.

No matter who is looking for her, no matter what the other party wants her to do, she is willing to follow the other party.

After all, it is better to leave with someone she has never met than to be surrounded by thousands of people and ride on tens of thousands of people.

Qin Chao looked at Rufei, and deliberately exerted some pressure, trying to judge whether the other party was a fake.But the other party didn't feel guilty and waited for a reaction, so he had to give up and took her out of the camp.

Seeing Rufei leave, the remaining women were envious, but helpless.Because no one is looking for them, they can only wait here for their fate to be dominated by others.

Qin Chao took Concubine Ru away from the tent and walked towards Beichen Jiuge.Concubine Ru followed quietly without speaking.It wasn't until Qin Chao stopped that she looked at Beichen Jiuge whose back was facing her.

It could be seen that the other party was a young man, but she didn't know him.Concubine Ru was a little surprised, but also a little uneasy.

Her intuition told her that the man with his back to her in front of her was dangerous, which gave her an urge to run away.

But thinking of the fate of returning to the camp, Rufei held back again.

Beichen Jiuge heard footsteps and turned around.He thanked Qin Chao first, and then he turned his attention to Concubine Ru.

Beichen Jiuge is not familiar with Concubine Ru, and only met her a few times when she was a child.And when I was young, I couldn't remember exactly what the other person looked like.

Later, when he left Wusai City, he deliberately looked at the portraits of Beichen Xiang'er and Beichenru.

At this moment, he watched as Concubine Ru gradually merged with the portrait he had seen before.Over the years, although Rufei has changed a bit, she can still see the shadow of her youth.

"Bei Chenru!" Beichen Jiuge uttered a name lightly, but Rufei was startled, and her face instantly turned pale.

She stared at Beichen Jiuge with wide eyes, with a look of shock and fear.

"You, who are you?" Rufei's voice trembled because of fear.

"Your old friend." Beichen Jiuge said calmly, judging from Rufei's reaction, he did not find the wrong person.

The sound of 'old friend' made Rufei even more frightened and frightened, she said indiscriminately: "No, no, you are not my old friend, I don't know you."

Concubine Ru concubine denied it while looking around, trying to find a chance to escape.

No one has called her name for decades, but today someone knows her name.It made her very uneasy and scared.

Because, except for the people there, no one outside will know her name.

Therefore, the man in front of him can only be from there.

Thinking of that place, Concubine Ru became more and more frightened, and her body kept shaking.Even though she has been away for decades, she still remembers the punishment for the betrayers there.

Concubine Ru remembers that when she was very young, there was a concubine of a family who was dismembered by five horses because he betrayed there. Not counting, the corpse was directly fed to wolves.

Thinking of that picture, she was terrified.

No, she doesn't want to be quartered by five horses, she doesn't want to be fed to wolves, she can't go back.

With this thought lingering in her mind, Rufei suddenly turned around and ran away.Qin Chao was wondering how Rufei would be afraid of becoming like that just because of a name, when he saw Rufei running away in a blink of an eye.

Now, he didn't bother to guess why Concubine Ru was afraid, and flew up directly, ready to catch Concubine Ru back.

(End of this chapter)

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