The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 943 Mother Clan Beichen

Chapter 943 Mother Clan Beichen ([-])

But he didn't want to, he was fast, someone was faster than him.A black shadow flashed, and Rufei, who had run away, returned to them in the blink of an eye.

Qin Chao was startled, and kept flying, staring blankly at the concubine Ru who came back to him, and the man in black who was like a shadow.

"Young master!" the man in black shouted, and bowed respectfully to Beichen Jiuge.

Only then did Qin Chao know that the man in black was actually a member of Beichen Jiuge.Before, he and Beichen Jiuge walked all the way, but he didn't find anyone following him secretly. It seems that the other party's martial arts are superior to his.

Thinking of this, Qin Chao's face was not very good, and he became jealous of Beichen Jiuge and the man in black.

"Take her back first." Beichen Jiuge ordered the man in black lightly as if he didn't notice the change in Qin Chao's mood.

"Yes!" The man in black responded, grabbed Rufei and walked away.

At this moment, Beichen Jiuge thanked Qin Chao again: "Guard Qin, thank you so much!"

"Master Beichen, you don't have to be polite, Qin Chao is just following orders." Qin Chao said politely, becoming a little more alienated from Beichen Jiuge.

"Anyway, the Qin guards helped me find Concubine Ru, and I am very grateful." Beichen Jiuge didn't care about Qin Chao's alienation, and said that as long as there is such a master, there will be such subordinates.

Sure enough.

Shangguan Yuntian's temper is stinky and tough, and so are his subordinates.Therefore, Beichen Jiuge didn't care, and after a few polite words with Qin Chao, he took his leave and left.

After Beichen Jiuge left, Qin Chao summoned the people who were spying on him and questioned him.I didn't get any useful information, so I went back to the palace.

"How?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Qin Chao and asked.Regarding Beichen Jiuge, he was not at ease at all, that's why people watched him secretly.

"If you come back to Master, he doesn't do anything. But he has a powerful hidden guard by his side, and his subordinates are no match for him."

Shangguan Yuntian frowned when he heard the words, pondered for a while, and ordered: "Continue to monitor."

After Qin Chao retreated, Shangguan Yuntian put down the ink brush in his hand, thinking about the purpose of Beichen Jiuge.He didn't think that Beichen Jiuge was really as simple as recognizing relatives.

If you really want to recognize your relatives, you won't wait until now.

But what purpose did he have, he couldn't figure it out for a while.It can only be watched first, and the fox's tail will always be exposed after a long time.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yuntian didn't bother with this matter anymore, and then got busy.

At this time, in an inconspicuous courtyard in Huayu City, Beichen Jiuge was interrogating Rufei.

Unable to escape, Rufei knew that she was doomed.

So, after being taken back to the courtyard by the man in black, he became silent.Concubine Ru intends to remain silent to the end, she feels that as long as she does not recognize Bei Chenru's identity, the other side should have nothing to do with her.

I have to say that Rufei is still too naive.Although this Beichen Jiuge looked gentle, his methods were not as gentle as himself.

On the contrary, his methods are very vicious. In the past, 99 people died at his hands, if not [-].

"Bei Chenru, the concubine of King Nan'an, has a son Nangong Chen. It can be seen that you have had a good time in Nan'an these years." Bei Chen Jiuge sat on the chair, gently tapping the table with jade-like fingers, He spit out a word lightly.

A very common sentence, but full of coldness.Bei Chenru was doing well and was still alive, but his aunt had long since passed away.

Thinking of this, Beichen Jiuge's gaze changed, and he looked at Rufei fiercely.

The master is gone, why is Bei Chenru, a slave, still alive?

 The sixth watch is over!Of course, I am very diligent today, and I made two more updates, please praise!Ask for a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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