The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 944 Mother Clan Beichen

Chapter 944 Mother Clan Beichen ([-])

Concubine Ru took a look at Beichen Jiuge, but said nothing.How has she been all these years?maybe.Compared with Bei Chenxiang'er who died early, she really lived a pretty good life.

Thinking of Beichen Xiang'er, a flash of hatred flashed in Rufei's eyes.If it wasn't for her, how could she have married such a useless waste as King Nan'an.

Fortunately, her son was still up to the mark, but it was a pity that he was still destroyed by Beichen Xianger's son in the end.

The God of War of Jokha, the King of Cloud of Jokha.If he hadn't defeated her son, how could it be Nangong Yueli's turn to be the crown prince of Nan'an, the son of Concubine Yue.

If there is anything unsatisfactory about her in Nan'an, it is that her son Nan Gongchen failed to become the crown prince.

"Don't speak, do you not want to speak, or dare not speak?" Beichen Jiuge looked at the silent concubine Ru, and asked in a cold voice.

If he didn't want to find out the truth back then, he would have slapped her to death long ago, and would he still be wasting his tongue here with her?
"I'm not Bei Chenru, you've got the wrong person." Concubine Ru said flatly, she didn't know Bei Chen Jiu Ge, and she guessed that he should be the new generation of outstanding disciples in Wusai City.

But Rufei can be sure that Beichen Jiuge absolutely doesn't know herself.After all, age is there.When she and Bei Chenxiang'er left, the young man in front of her probably didn't even remember anything.

"Admit the wrong person?" Beichen Jiuge sneered, looking at Rufei playfully.Guessing her psychology, she won't feel that if she doesn't admit it, he will have nothing to do with her, right?
How naive!

Beichen Jiuge slandered secretly, and then ordered: "Come here, take her down, let her recall her past life well."

Following the sound of Beichen Jiuge's voice, the man in black stepped out and took Rufei away.

Soon Beichen Jiuge was the only one left in the hall, making him a little bored, playing with the cup in his hand.His gaze became distant and deep.

Beichen Jiuge was thinking about Shangguan Yuntian, thinking about how to make him recognize himself, and then bring him back to Wusai City.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian was handling government affairs in the palace of Nan'an Kingdom, while Yehuang was wandering around in the harem.I have to say that the scenery in this palace is quite good, the flowers and trees in the garden are all exquisite.

While walking around, Dong suddenly appeared beside her, and said respectfully, "Princess, I have brought the information you asked for."

"Oh, so fast?" Yehuang glanced at Dong, her eyes fell on the materials she was holding, and she reached out to take them to the pavilion for people to rest on the side.

Entering the pavilion, Chu Liuyue opened the information and quickly flipped through it.

This is a piece of information about the city of no sorrow, which she consulted temporarily from the ghost gate.

Before, when Shangguan Yuntian told her that Beichen Jiuge came from Wusie City and claimed to be his cousin, Yehuang sent a letter to his subordinates, asking them to send a copy of information about Wusie City as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there is a branch of the Ghost Sect in Huayu City, and there is also a copy of the information about Wubei City.No, Dong directly brought it over to Yehuang to see.

According to this information, the City of No Sadness is located deep in the boundless mountains at the border between Donghua Kingdom and Nan'an.If you want to enter the city of no sorrow, you must have a special pass for the city of no sorrow, otherwise you will not even be able to enter the boundless mountains.

The data also shows that there are four big families living in Wubei City, namely Beichen, Murong, Sima, and Fengyun.

These four major families intermarried with each other and joined forces to control the politics and economy of the entire city of Wubei.

Among the four major families, the Beichen family is undoubtedly the most powerful, and has always appeared as a king.

 Thanks to the goddess of temperament for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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