The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 954 His purpose

Chapter 954 His Purpose ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian knows that the most painful thing is when the other party is full of hope, little by little this hope turns into despair.

"Okay, you decide. But next time Beichen Jiuge enters the palace, you have to tell me that I want to make him look good. Even my people dare to plot, and I'm getting impatient." Yehuang's domineering side leaked Saying so, provoked Shangguan Yuntian to burst into a hearty laugh.

He hugged Yehuang tightly, and it took a while before he let go.

In the small courtyard, Beichen Jiuge was lying on the bed, feeling a chill in his back, and woke up suddenly.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Beichen Jiuge muttered to himself: Who is plotting against me behind my back?

After thinking for a while, I had no clue, so I had to go back to sleep again.

It wasn't until he woke up after enough sleep that Beichen Jiuge asked the guard in black beside him, "How's the situation outside?"

"Returning to Young Master, with the publicity of those people, everyone in Huayu City will know that you are the cousin of King Yun."

After finishing speaking, the man in black didn't know what he thought of, and looked at Beichen Jiuge who was hesitant to speak.

Beichen Jiuge caught his expression in his eyes, and said in a good mood: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't hesitate to talk about anything."

"Back to Young Master, it's like this. In the afternoon, I received several posts, all of which invited Young Master to a banquet."

Beichen Jiuge frowned upon hearing the words, and asked, "Who are they?"

When he entertained those people before, he didn't expect such follow-up problems to arise. He only thought about letting everyone know that he was Shangguan Yuntian's cousin.

But now it seems that this matter is a bit too big.It would be quite annoying if someone posts him every day.

"If you come back to my son, there is the Marquis of Dingbei, the richest man in the capital, and the original Minister of the Household Department." After the man in black mentioned the families who posted the previous post, he added: "By the way, my son, I heard that these families have daughters who are waiting to be married.”

Beichen Jiuge's face darkened when he heard the words, and he gave the man in black a hard look and said, "Just reply and say I'm not free."

Not to mention that it's not up to him to make decisions about his marriage, even if he can make decisions, he doesn't want to deal with some women who want to marry him and men who want to be his father-in-law.

In comparison, Beichen Jiuge still thinks Shangguan Yuntian is cuter.Although, with a dark face all day long, he doesn't look good towards him, but he just thinks that it's better to just look at Shangguan Yuntian's black face than to deal with those who try to trick him.

The man in black turned around and posted back. Beichen Jiuge touched his chin, imagining Shangguan Yuntian's crazy appearance after knowing what he had done, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this moment, he especially wanted to know Shangguan Yuntian's reaction after learning the purpose of his banquet, so he called out: "Come here!"

After the sound fell, another man in black appeared in front of Beichen Jiuge, and shouted respectfully: "My lord, if you have any orders, please give me your instructions."

"Is there any movement in the palace?" Beichen Jiuge asked.

"Master Hui, no."

"What, there's no movement? Could it be that Shangguan Yuntian confiscated the news?" Beichen Jiuge was displeased. He made such a move, how could the protagonist remain silent.

Could it be that he really didn't receive the news?

But after thinking about it, I found it impossible.At noon, there was a lot of commotion in that restaurant, and rumors about him being Shangguan Yuntian's cousin were spread outside the bar, no matter how closed Shangguan Yuntian was, he should know by now.

(End of this chapter)

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