The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 955 His purpose

Chapter 955 His Purpose ([-])

But now that he knew it, why didn't Shangguan Yuntian respond at all?This is unreasonable.

Could it be that he really doesn't care?
Beichen Jiuge was entangled endlessly, and his complexion became more and more unhappy.After waving his hand to signal the man in black to leave, he fell into thought.

What the hell is Shangguan Yuntian doing?Do you really not care, or pretend you don't care?
But no matter which one, he didn't want to see it.Beichen Jiuge was very unwilling to spend money but failed to achieve the expected goal.

It seems that the method of borrowing public opinion from the outside world won't work, so we can only use the old method before, stalking.

Lie Nu is still afraid of pestering her husband, let alone Shangguan Yuntian who is always busy every day.Would it change his attitude if he pestered him all day?
Beichen Jiuge was thinking about the feasibility of this method.

After a while, Beichen Jiuge finally decided, whether it works or not, you will only know after trying it.So, he decided to go to the palace again at night and have a good chat with Shangguan Yuntian.

Or chatting for a long time, he is impatient.If you get impatient, you might recognize him.

I have to say that what Beichen Jiuge thought was pretty good.But he forgot that once a person gets impatient, he will not only compromise, but also beat him up.

Therefore, when Beichen Jiuge was beaten up by Shangguan Yuntian, he regretted it.

Of course, he didn't know at all at this time, and he thought he was quite smart, so he thought of a good way.After all, by pestering Shangguan Yuntian, he can make the other party have no time to show affection with the one he loves.

In this way, in order to be able to stay with the one he loves, he must have compromised.

The more Beichen Jiuge thought about it, the more he felt that he had come up with a good idea.So, after dinner, he went directly to the palace.

When Beichen Jiuge arrived in the palace, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were eating in the side hall.Regarding his arrival, the two of them didn't seem to have seen it, they should eat and drink, feed each other with vegetables, and spread good dog food.

Beichen Jiuge looked at it, his heart was sour, and he felt that his teeth were going to be sour by this couple.

Looking at the couple who kept throwing dog food and ignoring him, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help but interrupted: "Hey, are you still eating? I haven't eaten at all, so let someone set up more bowls and chopsticks."

While talking, Beichen Jiuge sat down opposite the two of them like an uncle, waiting for the two of them to send the bowl and chopsticks.

But he waited and waited, and after waiting for a long time, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't even give him a look without talking.

Beichen Jiuge was upset, how could they ignore him like this.

So, he reached out and patted the table, and said loudly, "Didn't you two hear me?"

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't even blink, ignoring Beichen Jiuge's words again.

This time, Beichen Jiuge was completely annoyed. Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian was helping Yehuang pick up vegetables, he stretched out his hand and took away the vegetables he wanted to pick up.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuntian's face darkened, he put down his chopsticks and looked at Beichen Jiuge coldly.

Beichen Jiuge was proud now, and Shangguan Yuntian finally paid attention to him.Sure enough, to deal with people like Shangguan Yuntian, we still have to use extraordinary means.

However, not long after he was proud, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

"What's this smell? It smells so good!" Beichen Jiuge didn't know why, so he took a sip foolishly, looking intoxicated.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at the hooked lips and sneered, and there were two words in his eyes: "Idiot!"

 Thanks for the rewards of Short Fantasy and Moon Dance, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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