The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 960 Punishing Beichen

Chapter 960 Punishing Beichen ([-])

By the time Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian got the news, it was already the next morning.

The two sat and ate breakfast together, talking about it.

"It seems that this Beichen Jiuge is angry." Yehuang said lightly, somewhat guilty for the missing girls.If she hadn't asked someone to throw Beichen Jiuge to Xihualou, they would not have disappeared.

"Huang'er, he's angry with him, as long as he doesn't mess with us." Shangguan Yuntian didn't have any psychological burden, and this Beichen Jiuge didn't look like a person who cares about human lives.It can be seen from the fact that he only deals with women who enter the room, he still has a bottom line.

As for those men and women, they can only blame their bad luck.

"That's right." Ye Huang didn't get too entangled, although there were reasons for the disappearance of those women, but if they didn't do anything, probably nothing would happen.

The rest of the people in Xihualou knew about it, so Yehuang soon felt relieved.

"Eat, I'll be busy later." Shangguan Yuntian took a dumpling and put it in Yehuang's bowl, and the two concentrated on eating breakfast.

After breakfast, Shangguan Yuntian was busy dealing with government affairs and military affairs, while Yehuang helped to allocate food and resume business operations everywhere.

Food is the most important thing for the people, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and businessmen are indispensable for none of them.However, the King of Nan'an had arrested a lot of merchants before, what Ye Huang has to do now is to give them back their freedom and encourage them to continue to do business.

So, after Yehuang had breakfast, she went directly to the big mansion of Chengtian Mansion and asked for the release of the imprisoned merchants.

Finally regaining their freedom, those merchants are very grateful to Ye Huang, and are very grateful.But when it comes to doing business and opening a shop again, they all have lingering fears, after all, they have just come out of the prison.After repeated assurances from Yehuang, he decided to give it a try.

After convincing the merchant, Yehuang finally breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to take a stroll in the city.Unexpectedly, before he had walked a few steps, he saw Beichen Jiuge approaching him.

Seeing Yehuang, Beichen Jiuge's eyes lit up first, and then his face darkened again when he thought of what happened to him last night.

As if Yehuang didn't see the other party, she just passed by.

But at this moment, Beichen Jiuge suddenly swayed and stood in front of Yehuang.

"What's the matter?" Yehuang looked at Beichen Jiuge coldly, slandering in her heart, is this guy not abused enough?He even dared to block her way, so he wasn't afraid that she would get him some poison or something.

He was only punished a little yesterday, so he was only drugged.But if he is ignorant, still stalking, or doing other things, then don't blame her for using poison directly.

"Cousin, what's your attitude? Why didn't you say hello when you saw your cousin?" Beichen Jiuge looked at Yehuang and said with a smile.

Seeing Yehuang just now, thinking about what happened yesterday, he was actually quite angry.So, I stood where I was, and wanted to see what Yehuang would say.

But unexpectedly, Yehuang ignored him directly.This made Beichen Jiuge very depressed, so he had to block Yehuang's way and find something to say by himself.

"Cousin?" Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, and said, "When Yun Tian recognizes you, come and talk to me."


Beichen Jiuge's expression changed, and he stared at Yehuang.It never occurred to her that she couldn't open which pot and which pot to carry. Don't you know if this is his scar?

"Did I say something wrong?" Yehuang looked so angry that she would not risk her life. For those who took the initiative to come forward to seek abuse, she would feel sorry for herself if she didn't abuse them.

 Thank you for the reward again Rainbow, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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