The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 961 Peach Blossoms

Chapter 961 Peach Blossoms ([-])

Beichen Jiuge took a deep breath, kept hypnotizing himself, and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I am an older brother, how can I have the same knowledge as my younger siblings, that would be too out of place."

After doing this several times, Beichen Jiuge finally suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Yehuang and asked another question, "Why are there only younger siblings, where is my cousin? Didn't he accompany you?"

"He's busy." Yehuang said lightly, knowing Beichen Jiuge a little more in her heart.Just now she clearly saw that he was angry, and thought he would do it directly.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, his anger dissipated, and he turned into that gentle look again.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about this forbearance, this Beichen Jiuge made her admire.

However, because of this, she had to stay away from him even more.Otherwise, if one is careless, it will be a disaster.

"Well, fortunately, my son is fine, how about going shopping with my younger siblings?" In order to get in touch with Yehuang, this Beichen Jiuge was going all out.

Obviously he doesn't like shopping at all, but today he offered to accompany Yehuang, which made the subordinate who followed secretly feel that the sun probably came out from the west today.

It's rare for Beichen Jiuge to do something he doesn't like, but Yehuang doesn't appreciate it, and said flatly: "Don't, I don't want to be hated by your peach blossoms. Besides, we are lonely, There are no relatives and no reason, and it is not appropriate to walk together."

Yehuang's refusal made Beichen Jiuge very depressed. He stared at her for a long time before uttering a sentence: "I don't know what's good."

After speaking, he left angrily.

"I'm sick!" Yehuang looked at Beichen Jiuge who was driven away by anger, muttered to herself, and stepped forward.

But she had just taken two steps when she was blocked again.

When she looked up, she realized that there were several women blocking her, and they were also some very beautiful women.

"Ma'am, what did Mr. Beichen tell you just now?" One of the women asked, the jealous look in her eyes made Yehuang very speechless.

Is this a prophecy for her?

Yehuang glanced at the women lightly, knowing that this was probably Beichen Jiuge's peach blossom.That's right, although Beichen Jiuge's appearance is not as good as Shangguan Yuntian's, he is still very good. Coupled with his gentle temperament, it is reasonable for girls to like him.

But what Yehuang didn't expect was that she just had a few words with Beichen Jiuge, and someone came to Xingshi to question her.

I beat her up, she must be regarded as an imaginary enemy by these women.

If yesterday it was calculated that the other party was an enemy, then she and Beichen Jiuge would be enemies, okay?

These women actually regarded Beichen Jiuge's enemy as an imaginary enemy, they had enough brains.However, she has always disliked others pointing fingers in front of her.

So, Ye Huang withdrew her gaze and said coldly: "What did I tell him, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Of course it has something to do with Miss Ben. That's the man Miss Ben has her eyes on, so stay away from him in the future." The girl said brazenly, as if Beichen Jiuge was in her pocket, arrogant.

Hearing the words, Yehuang sneered, glanced at the other girls who were with the woman, and asked, "What about you? Have you also taken a fancy to Mr. Beichen?"

"You, don't talk nonsense." Hearing the words, the girls quickly argued, but their blushing faces betrayed her thoughts.

So, Yehuang looked clear, and challenged without any pressure: "Did you deny it so quickly, are you guilty?"

(End of this chapter)

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