The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 963 Peach Blossoms

Chapter 963 Peach Blossoms ([-])

"Yo, I'm so scared. I don't know, who is your grandpa, so that I can see and see how to arrest me." Yehuang was lying on the ground while talking, still Wang Wan'er, who didn't get up, walked away.

"Bitch, just wait, wait." Wang Wan'er backed away while cursing.

Hearing the 'slut' in her mouth, Ye Huang's face darkened, walked up to her, knelt down, raised her hand and gave her two slaps, saying: "If you dare to say 'bitch' again Man, I'll carve the word slut on your face."

The bullying thing dared to scold her and became impatient.

" dare to hit me, I want to tell grandpa, you just wait to go to jail." Wang Wan'er originally wanted to scold someone, but when she saw Yehuang's fierce look, she didn't dare to scold again.

"Okay, I'll wait, you go and tell him, I'll wait for him here." Yehuang said indifferently, took out a silk handkerchief from her body, and wiped her hands.

Wang Wan'er's companions were shocked when they saw her being beaten, and they were all stunned, not daring to come out.

They had been by Wang Wan'er's side for so long, and this was the first time they saw her being beaten.As far as they knew, in Huayu City, no one really dared to beat Wang Wan'er.

But Yehuang hit her, and judging from what she said, she was not afraid of Prime Minister Wang at all. What is her background?
The girls guessed about Ye Huang's origin, and the people who watched the fun knew Wang Wan'er, and they had already quietly reported to the prime minister's mansion.

As soon as the messenger came to the street, he bumped into Prime Minister Wang's official sedan chair returning to his residence, stepped forward to block it, and told what happened here.

Therefore, Wang Cheng didn't even come back home, and came to the street here in an official sedan chair with his entourage.

Someone with sharp eyes saw Prime Minister Wang's official sedan chair at a glance, so he said, "Look, Prime Minister Wang is here."

When Wang Wan'er heard that Prime Minister Wang was coming, she became proud, looked up at Ye Huang, and said provocatively, "Hmph, my grandpa is here, you just wait to be sent to prison."

Yehuang gave Wang Wan'er a cold look, and her eyes fell on the official sedan chair that stopped.

When Prime Minister Wang got off the official sedan chair, he saw Wang Wan'er lying on the ground, his expression changed, and he quickly stepped forward to help her up, and asked, "Wan'er, what's going on?"

"Grandpa, someone beat Wan'er, you have to make the decision for Wan'er." Wang Wan'er leaned on Prime Minister Wang's body with an aggrieved expression, and pointed at Ye Huang.

When Prime Minister Wang heard that someone beat his granddaughter, he became angry from the bottom of his heart.Who dares to bully the people in the prime minister's mansion, is he impatient?

"Wan'er is good, grandpa is in charge of you." Prime Minister Wang comforted Wang Wan'er before looking up at Yehuang.

Just when she was about to ask her why she wanted to hit Wang Wan'er, she saw Yehuang's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.When he saw Yehuang's face clearly, his face changed instantly. He didn't care about being on the street, pulled Wang Wan'er, knelt down towards Yehuang, and said, "Wei, I have seen Princess Yun."

As soon as these words came out, the whole street fell silent.Especially those who wanted to see Yehuang's misfortune opened their mouths wide.

What?That's right, the woman who taught Wang Wan'er a lesson was actually Princess Yun?

"Quick, quick, kneel down!" Someone in the crowd yelled, and everyone on the street knelt down.

Yehuang glanced at everyone indifferently, then withdrew her gaze, and landed on Prime Minister Wang and Wang Wan'er.

At this time, Wang Wan'er was in a daze, and she was a little confused about the situation.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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