The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 964 Peach Blossoms

Chapter 964 Peach Blossoms ([-])

Didn't grandpa come to make decisions for her and help her vent her anger?Why did you pull her to kneel down?

Wait, what did grandpa say just now?Princess Yun?
The words Princess Yun entered Wang Wan'er's mind, causing her expression to change, and she raised her head to look at Ye Huang, just in time for her mocking expression.

She is Princess Yun?
No wonder, no wonder he dared to hit her.

Wang Wan'er's heart was extremely complicated at this time, thinking of her pride and provocation just now, it was like being slapped several times, she was extremely annoyed and embarrassed.

"Prime Minister Wang, you have taught a good granddaughter. What should I do for insulting my concubine in public?" Ye Huang's thin and cool voice sounded in Prime Minister Wang's ear, causing his expression to change, and he turned to look at the concubine in shock. Looking at Wang Wan'er, she asked, "Did you insult Princess Yun?"

Wang Wan'er didn't come back to her senses at all, she stared blankly at Prime Minister Wang's question and didn't speak for a long time.

"Nie Zhan, you are so courageous that you even dare to insult Princess Yun. Are you trying to kill the entire family?" Prime Minister Wang looked at Wang Wan'er's dumbfounded look, and couldn't express his anger.

Before, Wang Wan'er only said that she was beaten, but she didn't tell him why she was beaten.Now, after hearing what Yehuang said, there is still something that I don't understand.

Dare to insult Princess Yun, isn't this courting death?Hitting her is still light, even killing her is not too much.

"Grandpa, I, I didn't know she was Princess Yun." Wang Wan'er was frightened, and said nonsense.If she had known that the other party was Princess Yun, she wouldn't have dared to say anything.

No wonder that Mr. Beichen talked to her before, so they are relatives.

As for Beichen Jiuge, it is the matter of cousin Yun Wang, who doesn't know that the entire Huayu City goes up to officials and dignitaries, down to traffickers and pawns?

At this time, Wang Wan'er regretted it to death. If she had known the identity of the other party, she would not have dared to lend her ten courage.Although Prime Minister Wang is now deeply trusted by King Yun, but she was disrespectful to Princess Yun before, what if King Yun gets angry and directly punishes her whole family?
Thinking of this, Wang Wan'er became more and more frightened. She knelt and crawled to Ye Huang, kowtowed and said, "Princess Yun, I was wrong, I was wrong. Before, I had no eyes, I didn't know the princess, and my words were too much. If there is an offense, I ask the princess to forgive me."

Prime Minister Wang was somewhat relieved to see Wang Wan'er taking the initiative to plead guilty to Yehuang.Although his granddaughter is arrogant and arrogant, she is not a brainless one.

She knew that the only way for the Wang family to survive was to seek Princess Yun's forgiveness.

But when I saw the pitiful appearance of my granddaughter, I couldn't bear it.

"One sentence is wrong, and you want my concubine to spare you?" Ye Huang looked at Wang Wan'er with a mocking face.Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, if her identity is not Princess Yun, Wang Wan'er may have a different face now.

Prime Minister Wang already felt sorry for his granddaughter, but when he heard Yehuang's words, he felt anxious.It doesn't matter if you lose one Wang Wan'er, but you must not implicate the entire Wang family because of her.So, he kowtowed deeply to Yehuang again, and said, "Princess Yun, it is my minister who is not strict in discipline, and I am willing to accept the crime. I also ask the princess to look at the face of this minister and spare the Wang family and forgive me." Guo Waner."

"Prime Minister Wang wants my concubine to forgive me?" Yehuang looked at Prime Minister Wang coldly. If it wasn't for the sake of his surrender, she would have given up his position long ago.

How can he convince her that he can be a good official if he can't even teach his descendants well?
Dare to plead with her now, what a shame?

 Thanks to Mu Xi and Shi Shi for their silent rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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