The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 966 No tragic situation

Chapter 966 No tragic situation ([-])

Prime Minister Wang ran to chase Yehuang, but before he could get close, a hidden guard appeared to block his way.

As a result, Prime Minister Wang could only watch Yehuang drift away, filled with regret in his heart.

Ye Huang left, but the common people still knelt down until Dong appeared in front of them and said: "My princess has an order, everyone should disperse, go home."

After Dong finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the stunned Wang Wan'er and her companions, and said coldly: "Get lost! This time my princess doesn't care about you, and it won't be so easy to talk about again."

Wang Wan'er trembled when she heard Dong's words, and when she came back to her senses, she looked at her back in the distance, and her heart was full of panic.If the family knew that grandpa lost his official position because of her, they would definitely beat her to death.

Thinking of this, Wang Wan'er became more and more frightened, she stood up but didn't know where to go.

Turning her head, she looked at several of her companions, hoping to get some comfort and strength from them, but no one paid attention to her.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned away, Wang Wan'er felt sad and staggered towards home.

Wang Wan'er's companions watched her leave, they wanted to say something but they didn't say anything in the end.They were almost troubled by Wang Wan'er today, and they should stay away from her in the future.Otherwise, if something like today happens again, their family will be over.

Actually, speaking of it, it's not a big deal, it's just the jealousy of the daughter's family.But because of such a small incident, Prime Minister Wang lost his official position, which made everyone dare not not be afraid.

Besides, Prime Minister Wang was blocked by the hidden guards, and after failing to catch up with Yehuang, he calmed down and thought about it for a while, then decided to go to Shangguan Yuntian to intercede.

He felt that Shangguan Yuntian was the one who really gave orders. Even though Ye Huang said that he would dismiss him as an officer, as long as Shangguan Yuntian was unwilling, there was nothing she could do.

At this time, Prime Minister Wang didn't even know that his going was a complete act of death.If she went to plead with Ye Huang, she might be able to keep her official position.But he decided to be smart enough to find Shangguan Yuntian, and wanted to use him to suppress Yehuang, so one can imagine his fate.

Originally, Shangguan Yuntian was a little dissatisfied with Prime Minister Wang's clique formation, but he became even more dissatisfied after learning about what Wang Wan'er had done and Prime Minister Wang's performance.

So, when he heard that Prime Minister Wang asked to see him, Shangguan Yuntian didn't even meet him, and sent someone to send a message directly: "The meaning of the princess is the meaning of the king."

Hearing this, Prime Minister Wang was stunned, he didn't even know how to get out of the palace.

When he returned to Wang's house in a daze and saw a room full of people waiting, he fell to the ground and passed out.

Wang Wan'er saw that Prime Minister Wang fainted, and then she realized that she was afraid, so she turned around and ran away.As for where he went, no one knows.

When everyone found her, it was already the next day.

A maid found it in a well in the backyard. She had been dead for a long time when she was found, and her face was soaked in water beyond recognition.If it weren't for the clothes and the birthmark on her body, she wouldn't be able to recognize Wang Wan'er at all.

Prime Minister Wang lost his official position, and the Wang family fell into a slump and gradually declined.

The members of the Wang family also went to Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang to ask for a word, but the Wang family was discouraged by insulting the current princess.

This incident set off a storm among the nobles, and since then everyone has become stricter about the upbringing of the family's children.

Needless to say, this Wang Wan'er has done a good deed.

(End of this chapter)

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