The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 967 No tragic situation

Chapter 967 No tragic situation ([-])

The matter of the Wang family came to an end soon, and the culprit of this matter, Beichen Jiuge, didn't even know about it. He was nestling in his yard, feeling sorry for himself because Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't want to see each other.

Time flies, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.The officials sent by Dazhao finally arrived, Shangguan Yuntian was not so busy at last.

And at this moment, the people from Yan Dian finally brought the news of Wubei City.

It stands to reason that the news of Wubei City is not so easy to inquire about.But I don't know how I got back. Half a month ago, I didn't need a pass to enter the Infinity Mountains.

For this reason, Yan Dian's people took the opportunity to enter Wusai City.

As soon as they entered the city, Yan Dian's people first found a place to live, and then planned to inquire about the news slowly.

But I don't want to, I don't know if I don't inquire, but I was shocked when I inquired.

On the surface, the four big families in Wushao City seem to be living in peace, but secretly they have already reached the point of life and death.

Because of the discord between the four major families, the people of Yan Dian had an opportunity to find out all the news in Wusai City.

Of course, they focused on inquiring about Shangguan Yuntian's concubine, Beichen Xiang'er.

According to the inquiring news, Beichen Jiuge did not lie to Shangguan Yuntian.This Shangguan Xiang'er is indeed the direct younger sister of Beichen Mingrui, the current Patriarch of the Beichen family, and also the biological aunt of Beichen Jiuge.

Thirty years ago, Beichen Xiang'er was 30 years old and was engaged to Murong Ze, the eldest son of another big family in Wubei City, Murong's family.

Originally, the two agreed to get married three years later, that is, when Beichen Xianger was 16 years old.Unexpectedly, when Beichen Xianger was 15 years old, he suddenly disappeared.The one who disappeared with her was her maid, Bei Chenru.

The disappearance of the eldest daughter of the Beichen family instantly alarmed the four major families, and everyone worked together to send people to look for it.But I don't want to look for more than half a month and there is no news.At this time, news came from who knows where, saying that Beichen Xiang'er had escaped from marriage.

As soon as the news came out, the Murong family was furious.Originally the purpose of the marriage was to marry the two surnames, but Beichen Xiang'er ran away from the marriage. Isn't this obviously looking down on the Murong family?
For this reason, Murong's family went to Beichen's house to make a big fuss, and since then the relationship between the two families has broken.

Feeling guilty, the Beichen family sent more people to look for Beichen Xiang'er.

But at this moment, news suddenly spread that the Murong family was going to marry the Sima family.As soon as the news came out, Beichen's family quit immediately and brought people to Murong's house to question, but they were humiliated by the Murong's family.

Since then, the relationship between the two has become even worse.At this time, another news came that the disappearance of Beichen Xianger was related to the Murong family and the Sima family.It was even reported that the reason why Beichen Xianger disappeared was because he blocked the way of others.

The shock that this news brought to the Beichen family can be imagined.Originally, the marriage between Murong's family and Sima's family made Beichen's family uncomfortable, but hearing the news now, it can be said that the two families will hate it to the bone.

Since then, the relationship between the three major families has deteriorated again.As for the Fengyun family of the four major families, because they are related by marriage to the Beichen family, they had no choice but to side with the Beichen family.

Two to two, no one can take advantage, and the relationship in Wubeicheng has been balanced again.But just recently, a son of Fengyun's family fell in love with a girl from Murong's family and wanted to marry him.

As a result, the balance of more than 20 years will be broken in an instant.But at this time, Beichen's family had secretly searched for more than 20 years and finally got the news of Beichen Xiang'er.

In order to find out the truth about Beichen Xianger's disappearance, Beichen Jiuge was sent here.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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