The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 987 The official welcome

Chapter 987 Hundreds of Officials Come to Welcome ([-])

But Shangguan Yuntian knew it, but still gave her something, which made Ye Huang speechless.However, she did not refuse, she helped Shangguan Yuntian finish approving the memorial, then stood up and said: "I'm hungry, let's eat."

Shangguan Yuntian tidied up the table and put the things back together, and then went to eat with Ye Huang.

After eating, the two walked around the palace, and some officials came to find Shangguan Yuntian, so they separated.

Shangguan Yuntian went to see the officials, and Yehuang was free again.Thinking that there is still a friend in Huayu City who did not go to say goodbye, and is going to go out of the palace to have a look.

Speaking of which, since the army entered the city, she hasn't visited Feng Qianliang again, and she doesn't know how he is doing recently?
After Ye Huang left a message to Shangguan Yuntian, she took Dong and Xia out of the palace.

The three master and servant came to the small courtyard where Feng Qianliang lived before, but they couldn't find anyone. After inquiring, they found out that Feng Qianliang had moved.

So, Yehuang found Feng Qianliang's new home following the new address she inquired about.

Feng Qianliang's new home looks better than the previous courtyard, but it's not too big, with only two entrances.

"Knock on the door to see if you're home?" Ye Huang turned her eyes away from the closed door and ordered Xia Dao who was beside her.

Xia led the order to step forward, reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and an old man poked his head out and asked, "Who is the girl looking for?"

"Excuse me, is this General Feng's house?" Xia looked at the old man and asked with a smile.

"This is General Feng's home. I wonder who the girl is?" The old man saw that Xia didn't look like a bad guy, and the vigilance in his eyes dissipated a little.

"My master's surname is Ye. He is an old friend of General Feng. He came here to visit today. I wonder if General Feng is at home?"

"The general is not at home, but the lady is." The old man opened the door while talking.

Yehuang took Xia Hedong and followed the old man into the yard, and after a while, someone came out to greet her, it was Feng Qianliang's wife, Huang Shi.

Seeing Yehuang, Huang was taken aback, stepped forward quickly and made a big salute: "The woman has seen Princess Yun."

"Sister Feng, get up quickly, this is not in the palace, why do you have to do such a big ceremony?" Ye Huang took a step forward and helped Mrs. Huang up.

Only then did the old man know Ye Huang's identity, he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and said: "The grass people don't know that Princess Yun is here, so I ask Princess Yun to forgive me for being rude."

"Old man, don't be too polite, please get up quickly." Yehuang motioned Xia to help him up, and then said to the panic-stricken Huang: "Sister Feng, Yehuang came here uninvited, please don't take offense .”

"Where, where, the concubine can come and shine, how can you blame her?" Huang said while leading Yehuang into the house.

Before entering the house, she asked someone to tell Feng Qianliang to go home.

Ye Huang entered the room, saw that Huang was still a little reserved, so she said with a smile: "Sister Feng, don't be nervous, just treat me as a little sister."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Huang replied, but she was still uncontrollably nervous.It's fine if she didn't know Yehuang's identity before, but now she knows Yehuang's identity, how dare she trust her.

Seeing Huang like this, Yehuang didn't try to persuade her anymore, but she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

That's all, seeing her like this, it's better to come here less in the future.However, there may not be a chance to come again in the future.

Huang's chatted with Yehuang for a while, Feng Qianliang rushed back, saw that Yehuang had met the ceremony first, and then asked: "Wangfei is here today, what's the matter?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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