The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 988: Official Welcome

Chapter 988 Hundreds of Officials Welcome ([-])

"It's okay, just come and see, how is brother Feng doing recently?" Yehuang asked with a smile, compared to Huang's stiff and nervous, Feng Qianliang's performance is not bad, at least on the surface it is still the same as before, It didn't change because of her identity change.Except, of course, the title.

"Thanks to the princess, it's not bad. I'm still serving in the army." Feng Qianliang briefly talked about his affairs.

He knew that the reason why he was able to stay in the palace and gain the trust of Shangguan Yuntian was largely because of Ye Huang.For that, he was grateful to her.

"That's good." The smile on Ye Huang's face deepened a bit. Feng Qianliang is a good general. I believe that as long as he works hard, he will go further.

"By the way, Brother Feng, I'm here to bid farewell to you. I'll be returning to Dazhao in a few days." Ye Huang told her reason for coming, but Feng Qianliang was taken aback.

There was only one thought in her mind, she was leaving.

Although he didn't have any affection for Yehuang, he still felt a little bit reluctant.

After a while, Feng Qianliang came back to his senses and asked, "When are you leaving? I'll see you off."

"The exact time hasn't been decided yet, it's just a few days away. If Brother Feng is too busy, he doesn't have to come here to see me off."

"How can this be done? No matter how busy you are, there is still time to see you off." Feng Qianliang said as he already had a plan in mind.

Now that Yehuang is gone, she still doesn't know when she will meet again.Therefore, he will definitely find time to send her off.

When Huang heard that Yehuang was leaving, she was also very sad.In her opinion, Yehuang is the benefactor of their family.If there is no Ye Huang, their family is probably the same as other officials, either dead or defeated.

I don't know if it's because of her reluctance, but Huang's was not so reserved at first, and she talked with Ye Huang for a while.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yehuang finally left.Before leaving, she gave Feng Qianliang some wound medicine.When soldiers fight, injuries are common.It's not that there are good things on Yehuang, but she thinks it's best to give some her own special wound medicine.

Feng Qianliang's family watched Ye Huang leave, and they didn't turn back until they could no longer see her.

After Yehuang left Feng Qianliang's house, she didn't stay outside too long, but went back to the palace directly.However, when she returned to the palace, she was told that Shangguan Yuntian had left the palace to go to the military camp.

In the barracks, Shangguan Yuntian and the other generals are discussing the return of the troops to the court in the big tent.All in all, it has been more than three months since the dispatch of troops.

In the past three months or so, there hasn't been much time for real fighting.This is thanks to Yehuang's commercial monopoly, otherwise the loss of the army would not be so small.

Speaking of which, this time the war can be said to have the smallest loss in history, but the biggest result.

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's decision to return to court, all the generals were very excited.It's great to finally be going back.Although, now Nan'an has become the South County of Dazhao, and it is already a part of Dazhao.But everyone still misses their hometown.

In any case, Dazhao is the place that raised them, and there is no other place that can compare.

"General, when is the time?" Yun Fei asked with a smile.These days, the army is still quite leisurely, except for maintaining order and training, the soldiers have long been looking forward to the return of the squadron.

"I'll give you three days to prepare, and we will return to court in three days."

 However, I wish you a happy Zongzi Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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