Chapter 2723

"Xiaoyan, shall we take them to Huangfu's house today? I asked Zheng Jiamei yesterday, and she said that Huangfu Xun has been at home for the past few days."

"Beautiful job, very reliable."

Bai Xiaoyan excitedly came over to give Zhou Tangtang a high five.

In this way, if they want to go to Huangfu's house to find Huangfu Xun to teach the two children piano, they can be put on the agenda.

"Yan'er, Mommy will take you to learn the piano!"

Bai Xiaoyan hugged Yin Yan'er happily and announced.

Hearing this good news, Yin Yan'er immediately cheered happily, "Great, I'm going to learn the piano. The children say that those who learn the piano are all little fairies, and I want to be a little fairy."

Because the little fairy in the children's mouth also successfully aroused Yin Yan'er's full interest.

She's the one who's going to be a little fairy.

Bai Xiaoyan nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, those who learn piano are all little fairies."

As long as Yin Yan'er is willing to learn, saying these nice words is not a problem.

"Then Yan'er has to learn, Yan'er is going now."

"Okay, okay." Bai Xiaoyan didn't expect that Yin Yan'er could be fooled around so easily, it was so gratifying.

But my heart is still a little tangled.

I don't know if my daughter is so easy to deceive, whether she will be deceived in the future.

In Bai Xiaoyan's current situation, apart from believing that Han Mujun is an honest gentleman, she doesn't trust other little kids.

So Bai Xiaoyan suddenly said seriously, "Yan'er, from now on, apart from your brother Jun Jun, stay away from other boys, don't get too close, and don't believe what they say!"

In order to protect her daughter, she still needs to remind her of these words.


Yin Yan'er tilted her head and asked curiously.

Aren't they still happily chatting about little fairies just now? Why did they suddenly switch to a topic about boys?

This jump is really too big, and she still doesn't understand it.

"Because your brother Junjun is handsome, don't you think?" Bai Xiaoyan said solemnly.

Hearing this reason, Yin Yan'er of course agreed.

For this, no one can refute at all.

This is the truth.

Yin Yan'er nodded wildly, looking very happy, "Yes, yes, Brother Junjun is super handsome, hahahaha."

Then he smiled silly.

It seems that Han Mujun has successfully stunned Yin Yan'er.

Bai Xiaoyan glanced at Yin Yan'er with deep disgust.

Is her daughter a fool?
"Mommy, let's go learn the piano. I want to become a little fairy, so I will be the only little fairy in our class, and I can be with brother Junjun!"

Bai Xiaoyan frowned, expressing that she didn't understand children's logic.

But Yin Yan'er is willing to learn piano is a good thing.

She nodded, "Okay, let's go now."

Bai Xiaoyan took two steps with Yin Yan'er in her arms, when she heard Yin Yan'er anxiously asking, "What about Brother Junjun, isn't he together?"

Yin Yan'er's eyes kept following Han Mujun, and seeing that he had no intention of going, she suddenly became less interested in playing the piano.

"Don't go."

Han Mujun stood up and refused directly.

Yin Yan'er's eyes were full of disappointment, if she couldn't learn piano with Han Mujun, the fun would be lost by half.

"Who said that, we are going too." Zhou Tangtang picked up the aloof Han Mujun, followed Bai Xiaoyan's footsteps, and was about to go to the car.

(End of this chapter)

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