Chapter 2724

"Mommy, I didn't say I was going!"

When Han Mujun heard that Zhou Tangtang actually said that he would take him with him, he was immediately unhappy and struggled to get down.

He never promised such a thing.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look together. If you think it's good, you can still study together, can't you?"

Zhou Tangtang originally had this idea, and Han Mujun finally realized it.

It seemed that no matter how much he struggled, it was impossible for him to leave today.

"Hmph, no matter how you look at it, I don't want to learn."

"OK, all right."

Zhou Tangtang responded, but ignored what he said.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to deceive Han Mujun first, as for what to do afterwards, we will wait until the time comes.

These are not in a hurry.

Along the way, Zhou Tangtang and Bai Xiaoyan were happily chatting about bags and clothes.

Yin Yan'er was smiling and trying to talk to Han Mujun.

Han Mujun couldn't help having a headache.

Sure enough, it's three women in one drama, this drama is really too big.

He is so irritable.

He should be the calmest person in the car.

All the way to Huangfu's house.

Zheng Jiamei and Huangfuyu were standing outside the door waiting for them.

"You are here!"

Zheng Jiamei hadn't seen the two of them for a long time, and when she saw them, she immediately gave them a big hug without saying a word.

The three women walked together hugging each other.

Huangfuyu took the initiative to go forward and greeted the two children with a smile, "Sister Yan'er, brother Junjun, welcome to my house."

After seeing Huangfu Yu, Yin Yan'er smiled happily, "Brother Xiao Yu, you really are getting cuter the longer you grow."

Huangfuyu responded with a smile, "Thank you sister."

The atmosphere between the two of them was also very warm.

Only Han Mujun was still cold.

Regarding Yin Yan'er's words, he just said coldly: "Superficial."

People who only look at appearance are the most superficial.

The most important thing is, with such a handsome man standing next to her, she still thinks other people are good-looking?

Han Mujun walked ahead coldly.

Yin Yan'er didn't notice Han Mujun's petty temper yet, she took Huangfuyu's hand and happily followed Han Mujun with him.

The two children had a lot to talk about.

Huangfu Yu talked about the violin that Daddy bought for him a few days ago, it was fun.

Yin Yan'er told Huangfu Yu that she also received a doll from her father yesterday, it was very beautiful, and the doll's skirt was pink, she liked pink the most.

Huangfu Yu smiled and said, "That's great, the pink doll must be pretty."

Yin Yan'er nodded: "Yes, it's super beautiful, just like a little princess. Next time I come to your house, I'll show it to you."

Huangfu Yu nodded: "Okay, then I will show you my violin today, I just learned a piece yesterday, I will play it for you later."

Yin Yan'er: "Wow, you are so good, you can even play tunes."

Huangfu Yu smiled happily, "Yes, Daddy also praised me for being very talented."

Yin Yan'er nodded: "Yes, I also think you are awesome."

Huangfuxun: "Thank you, Sister Yan'er."

Yin Yan'er: "Then let's go quickly."

Han Mujun had already walked into the gate of the villa, and looked back at the two chattering kids behind him, who were very noisy, "What's there to talk about with these boring things."

(End of this chapter)

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