Chapter 1016 Love
"Yeah, I'll go back now." After speaking, she walked away excitedly, but walked in the opposite direction.

Jing Ge helplessly shouted at his back: "You went wrong, the gate is over there."

Meng Feifei stopped, turned his head and showed a bright and lovely smile to his master, touched the back of his head and said: "Goodbye, master, when the master's house is found, I will often cook for the master."

Jing Ge smiled warmly at his back.

She could see that Feifei had grown a lot in one year, both in character and appearance, but in front of him, Feifei was still that sunny boy.

Before it was time for Jing Ge to leave Tianlan Academy, the top ten elders first made things difficult for him.

As soon as these ten people came back, they heard that a new pharmacist lecturer had arrived at the pharmacist branch. Elder Xiao, who was in charge of the pharmacist branch among these old men, immediately said that he wanted to see the deity.

Ten people went to the Alchemist branch in a mighty way.

At this time, Jing Ge happened to be still lecturing.

In the middle of the class, she felt that the atmosphere outside the door was not right. She turned her head and looked out the window, and happened to see a few strange heads.

Many students followed her gaze and saw the foreheads of the ten elders who fell together outside the window.

There was a sound of gasping for air in the classroom, and a student who was near the window was frightened and stood up.

Leaning against the classmate next to him with weak legs, he said in horror, "The chief...all the elders are back."

Jing Ge raised his eyebrows, and said silently in his heart: Elder?Could it be that these ten people are the top ten weirdos of the legendary Tianlan Academy?

Before Jing Ge came to Tianlan College, she inquired about the college's news, knew about the existence of ten old men, and also knew that these ten old men had strange tempers.

It's just that these ten old men had all gone to various states to recruit students before, and they didn't expect to come back by such a coincidence, before she left the academy.

Now that this is an old guy, it may be difficult for her to retire.

Although she knew that the ten old guys outside the window were not easy to mess with, Jing Ge insisted on finishing the class before packing up and leaving.

This class is mainly about theoretical classes, so the lecture time is relatively short, and there are not many things to pack.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, ten old men rushed over and surrounded her, "You little girl, how old are you?"

Jing Ge said calmly, "Sixteen."

"What? You're only 16 years old? This is nonsense. You know a hammer at the age of 16, and that kid Gong Xu actually arranged for you to be a lecturer in the branch of pharmacists? It's just nonsense, nonsense!" The old man who spoke was mainly responsible for managing the branch of pharmacists. He was furious when a young girl was assigned as a lecturer in his own branch.

He felt that Gong Xu's actions did not respect him, nor did they respect their branch of pharmacists, let alone the profession of pharmacists.

In the eyes of the old man, alchemist is a sacred profession, how can a little girl like you be able to defile it casually?
He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes, and said in disapproval: "What are you capable of? Can you let that boy Gong Xu hire you?"

These old men have stayed in Tianlan College for a long time, especially the old man who spoke. He has been studying in this college 100 years after the establishment of the college. Later, he stayed in the school and became a lecturer, and then became one of the elders. .

It can be seen that he is full of love for this college.

It is a love that does not allow anyone to tarnish it.

(End of this chapter)

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