Chapter 1017 Old Men

The old man looked at Jing Ge's young face, and the more he looked at it, the more angry he became. He felt that such a young girl would never be able to educate the students of their alchemist branch.

Among other things, the students here are all elite talents from various big states, and they are all top-notch geniuses.

Could that be something she a little girl could teach?

"You can't do my strength? You can test me." Jing Ge knew that if he couldn't satisfy these old men today, he wouldn't be able to get out, so he simply offered to accept the inspection, so as not to waste time with them.

"Hmph, you are young, but your tone is not small. If you fail to pass the assessment, you will have to accept punishment." The old man said.

"I'm willing to admit defeat. Dare I ask the elder what to test? No matter what it is, just let the horse come here. I'm still in a hurry to go home." Jing Ge said lazily.

"You kid, don't think that if you speak hard, I will believe you. Come with me. If you fail the inspection, you see, I won't peel you off." Dare to come to his alchemist branch to do wild things, and don't even look at the territory. Who covered it.

Jing Ge yawned lazily, and said to the old man, "Lead the way, don't waste time, my time is very precious."

"This little girl has a really serious tone. How did you let Gong Xu let you in? Could it be that you climbed into that kid's bed?" Another elder said.

There was a trace of scrutiny in the elder's eyes, he secretly guessed whether Jing Ge might be Gong Xu's favourite, if it was that kid's favourite, he could help a little.

Of course, he didn't dare to rescue her when Elder Xiao was furious, but it's okay to say something nice to her later.

It's just that the premise is that this little girl is the boy Gong Xu's favorite, if not, then there is no need for him to waste his affection on insignificant people.

"It doesn't matter between me and him, I have a partner." Jing Ge said lightly.

Thinking of Bai Yeling, she looked at the time and couldn't help urging again: "Where is the location? Hurry up, my partner is still waiting for me to go home, if I go back too late, he will be anxious."

"Hmph, is your partner as immature as you? He must also be a young boy, not worth mentioning." Old man Xiao said.

His tone was full of disdain.

Jing Ge murmured: "You can do what you say, but I sincerely advise you, hurry up, and when my partner is in a hurry, you may be the ones who suffer."

There was quite arrogance and pride in his tone.

Her target is very powerful.

"It's here, it's inside, and I'll give you a list of pills in a while. You can take the medicinal materials inside as you like. If you can refine the pills within an hour, it will count as your pass. If you can't refine them, you Just wait for me to peel off your skin." Elder Xiao said angrily.

Jing Ge yawned and rubbed his eyes.

She hasn't slept well for several days in a row, and she is really sleepy now.

I planned to finish this class and go back to sleep and take a rest, but I didn't expect to meet these elders just in time.

It seems that without refining the elixir, it is impossible for these old men to put her back.

Bai Yeling knew when she was in class, and after waiting for a stick of incense, if she still couldn't see her back, he would definitely come out to find someone.

She is not worried that Bai Yeling will not be able to beat these old men, but she just doesn't want to make the matter too big. After all, sooner or later, these old men will know that Meng Feifei is her apprentice. If she offends these old men before she leaves .

(End of this chapter)

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