Chapter 1028
Bai Yeling thought, as long as he ran to a place where Ge'er was not there, it would be fine.

This stinky dog, it's time to teach it a lesson, or else you'll think he's easy to bully.

Bai Yeling thought so.

The speed of movement is so fast that it can almost catch up with teleportation.

He rushed out of the yard in a flash.

He put Dabai down, and was about to punish Dabai, his love rival, when a nice male voice sounded from the door.

"Excuse me, is Jing Ge there?"

The person who asked the question was a rather good-looking man.

He has a handsome and extraordinary face, his complexion is very fair, and even his hair is silver-white, but his eyes are closed, and he looks like a disabled person who can't see!

Who is this man who even he admits is good-looking?Ask Geer?Does he also know Ge er?
Is it a rival in love again?

Bai Yeling's eyes darkened.

"You went to the wrong place, there is no one named Jing Ge here." Bai Yeling said coldly.

Want to find his lover through him?Hmph, no cracks in the door.

The master raised the corners of his lips slightly, smiled and said: "Really? But I can feel her breath." Actually, it is the aura, and the master can use special methods to find the person you want, as long as you know Some special information about the other party is fine.

For example, if she knew Jing Ge's name, age, and gender, she could find Jing Ge through the special aura emanating from her body involuntarily.

So even though he asked if Jingge was present at Bai Yeling, the timing was certain that Jingge was here.

The inquiry was just out of politeness, and I just hoped that the other party would make it easier for me and lead me the way.

Unexpectedly, he just ran into Bai Yeling.

Two men with the same noble status and strong aura stood opposite each other, looking at each other.

Bai Yeling could feel that the other party was not an ordinary person, and the master also judged that this person's identity was unusual through the special aura on Bai Yeling's body.

Moreover, the aura of this person in front of him is entangled with the fate line of that Daughter of Destiny.

This should be the lover that Destiny Girl will meet on her own initiative. He didn't expect them to meet so early in this life, and if he read correctly, these two people have already fallen in love with each other and fell in love.

It's just because of some reasons, the one in front of me is still the one who fell in earlier and deeper.

For some reason, the smile on the corner of Master's lips deepened a little.

Knowing that Bai Yeling was lying, the master was not annoyed, and said calmly, "Can you show me the way?" He thought that after the truth had been exposed, Bai Yeling should be more generous and take him to see him. Jinge's.

However, it is obvious that Master Wannian Single Dog does not know that lovers have small hearts.

Especially Lord Mozun, the big vinegar bucket, now he can't wait to tear this threatening looking guy in front of him directly, and he is unwilling to take him to see Jing Ge.

There was a sense of crisis in his heart, and he always felt that if he was brought to see Jing Ge, something that would make him very unhappy would happen.

So he chose to be stingy and refuse.

"Ge'er doesn't have time to meet strangers right now."

"How do you know that she and I are strangers?" Master suddenly laughed.

He laughed out loud, it was very short, but it sounded surprisingly good. If it were placed in the modern world, there would definitely be fans shouting crazily: Ah, the ear is about to get pregnant.

Let's not go into how these fans hide a womb in their ears.

Bai Yeling is now so irritable that he wants to hit someone.

(End of this chapter)

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