First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1029 You Say I Will Believe You

Chapter 1029 You Say I Will Believe You
The aura around him leaked out, and he was so angry that he wanted to fight the guy in front of him.

What does he mean?
Did he know Ge er?
When did you meet?

Could it be before him?
No, absolutely not, this person looks more threatening than Dabai, how could he find such a big rival in love when Geer was still angry with him.

He is not a fool.

Bai Yeling, who thought he was not a fool, blocked the way of the master.

The master sighed helplessly, and said, "Are you really unwilling to take me there? If that's the case, then I have no choice but to go there by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a strange change in the air around him.

Bai Yeling smelled an unusual aura, secretly thought something was wrong, and just about to stop it, the man standing in front of him suddenly moved instantly and disappeared from his sight.

After a long time, a familiar voice came from far behind, the man said: "Young man, you must be possessive when you treat your lover, but if you are too possessive, it will hurt people."

He left these words and disappeared again.

Bai Yeling turned his head, only to see fallen leaves flying.

Angrily, she hit the tree trunk with her fist, forcibly punching a hole in the tree trunk.

This guy must be looking for Ge er.

Bai Yeling didn't want to think too much, and ran back quickly.

"Woof." Dabai, who had survived the catastrophe, also quickly chased after him.

Jing Ge just walked out of the door and saw the master who suddenly appeared.

The handsome man in white clothes and silver hair, with his eyes closed, gave him a bit of a poignant feeling, which could easily arouse the maternal love and sympathy that belonged exclusively to women.

There is a calming aura about him, and this aura makes people feel very warm.

Jing Ge faintly felt that he should have seen this person before, but where did he see him?Why did they meet again, but she couldn't remember.

The two looked at each other for a long time, until Jing Ge asked, "Did we meet somewhere before?"

As soon as her voice fell, Master's chin moved slightly. After a while, he suddenly laughed, and the surprise could not be hidden in his voice. He said, "Do you still remember me?"

Jing Ge tilted his head in doubt, and said seriously: "No, I just think you look familiar. Have we met? Where? I can't remember."

Master heard the words, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he said with some regret: "I thought you remembered it, but it still didn't."

Jing Ge looked at him in bewilderment, "Can you speak human language? I actually don't understand what you're saying now."

The master shook his head and said: "Your feeling is right, we have indeed met, and we are not just a nodding acquaintance, our relationship was actually very, very close a long, long time ago, when you think about it, I'll tell you all the details."

As he spoke, he felt a strong aura approaching.

It came really fast.

Jing Ge looked at him and said, "You say I will believe it?" I'm afraid this person is not a fool, is he?
She didn't have amnesia, how could she forget such a big person?

If, as he said, the relationship between them was not just a simple nodding acquaintance, then she must have a lot of memories about him.

But let swear, there is really no such person in his memory.

It's just that I feel that this person is a bit familiar for some reason. Maybe I saw it by accident before, but I didn't pay much attention to it, so I didn't have a deep impression.

(End of this chapter)

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