First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1032 Will She Accept His Gift

Chapter 1032 Will She Accept His Gift

Hao Xingyue entered a cloth shop, and spent a long time picking inside. Jun Jiuxin hid in a relatively secret place outside, and never left the cloth shop from the beginning to the end.

He waited for Hao Xingyue to come out, afraid that if he lost his mind, he would lose her track.

The irresponsible father, Jun Jiuxin, was busy chasing his sweetheart, and had no idea that his son was out shopping with a little guy younger than him to buy food.

After hearing Bai Yeling's words, Jing Ge also thought that Jun Jiuxin would protect Langming.

Langming doesn't know that his father is Jun Jiuxin. To be precise, among the group, only Bai Yeling and Jing Ge know Jun Jiuxin's true identity.

Others just thought he was Ah Jiu who was clingy and refused to leave.

Jun Jiuxin was afraid that he would scare Hao Xingyue, so for so long, he only dared to hide behind and protect Hao Xingyue, and did not dare to reveal his identity.

Jun Jiuxin, who thought he was carrying an oil bottle, was always worried that Hao Xingyue would dislike her.

In fact, in Hao Xingyue's heart, his status is far inferior to Langming's.

Hao Xingyue now seems to have treated Lang Ming as her own child.

For Hao Xingyue who had already lost a child, Lang Ming's existence was irreplaceable. She gave Lang Ming all her love for the child she had never met.

Hao Xingyue came out of the cloth shop, walked for a while, and suddenly realized that there was still a shortage of needles and threads, so she immediately walked to the other side of the street. At the end of the street there was a shop specializing in handicrafts such as needles and threads.

Jun Jiuxin followed behind, pretending to be a passerby and hiding.I happened to be hiding in a small stall selling hairpins. The owner of the stall was a cute little girl. When the little girl saw him approaching, she thought he was going to buy a gift for her sweetheart.

Quickly recruit enthusiastically.

She said: "This is a young master. Do you want to choose a gift for your sweetheart? Choose a hairpin as a gift for her. It will be Qixi Festival soon, so a hairpin is perfect."

Jun Jiu put half of his attention on the hairpin, casually picked up a hairpin that he thought was the most beautiful and suitable for Hao Xingyue, and said, "Why is it most suitable to send a hairpin?"

"I don't know, my lord. Generally, women who marry into women will tie up their hair, and if you give a hairpin, doesn't it mean that you want to marry her back home? If the other party accepts your gift, then It must be interesting to you too—”


Jun Jiu said, with a flash of joy and anticipation in his eyes, he took out a silver coin and threw it on the booth, saying in a good mood: "You don't need to look for it."

Will she accept his gift?
Looking at the cute and beautiful hairpin in his hand, Jun Jiuxin raised the corners of his mouth, as if he could already foresee a bright future.

"Uncle, we want two bunches of the biggest candied haws." Lang Ming stood on tiptoe, still holding the hand of his younger brother Jing Di tightly in his hand, and pointed to the stick full of candied haws in the middle-aged uncle's hand with his other hand.

"Big Daddy..." Jing Di imitated Lang Ming and stood on her tiptoes, looking at the candied haws all over the place, sucking her saliva, looking so greedy that her saliva was about to flow out.

"Kids, did you go shopping by yourself? Where are your parents?" The uncle looked down and saw the two little ones, and bent down to ask the two little ones.

Langming blinked his big bright eyes, and said, "What are parents?"

Jing Di also tilted his head to look at the uncle, "What?" He didn't know much to say, so he imitated Lang Ming and said the last two words.

(End of this chapter)

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