First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1033 Who is calling him bad behind his back? Chapter [-]

Chapter 1033 Who Was Talking Bad About Him Behind His Back

Two ignorant little guys, because they have no parents since they were young, they don't know what parents represent.

Lang Ming was picked up by three-eyed wolves since he was born, and lived with a group of three-eyed wolves. It wasn't until Jing Ge took him out of the human world that he gradually came into contact with the human world, learned to speak, and learned to behave like normal people. Life.

He almost never left Jing Ge's side, so he didn't know that children from other people's families had parents, and it turned out that all children in the world were born by their parents.

Not only he doesn't understand, even Jing Di doesn't understand.

Before Jing Di was born, she was forcibly dug out from her mother's womb by caesarean section, and was taken away by people to many places——

The two brothers, it can be said that they have the same disease and pity each other. They have never met and don't know who their parents are.

Although Jun Jiuxin is by Langming's side, Langming doesn't know that this person is his father—to be precise, he doesn't even know what father means?
For the two little guys, the most important person in the world is Ge er.

The uncle selling candied haws, when he heard Langming's words, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked with some doubts, "Don't you know who your parents are? Then who raised you?"

Such good-looking and lovely two children, who is so cruel, willing to throw them away?
Langming shook his head.

Jing Di beside her also shook her head.

"I don't know, don't give us someone very important." Lang Ming said seriously.

When talking, a pair of bright big eyes seem to be talking, watching you wandering around.

"Then you should let that person take you out to buy things. You are still young and there are so many people on the street. What if you are stepped on? What if you are taken away by bad guys? What if you are taken away by bad guys?" You won't be able to see the person who is important to you."

The uncle took two bunches of big and sweet candied haws, stuffed them into the hands of Lang Ming and Jing Di respectively, and said softly: "Okay, these two bunches of candied haws are for you, go home quickly, I will eat them next time Candied haws, don't go out alone again, you must let adults accompany you, you understand?"

Langming excitedly took the candied haws and licked them with the tip of his pink tongue.

The sweet taste spread in the taste buds, and Lang Ming's excited pupils shrank into vertical pupils, and the wolf's ears and tail were almost exposed in excitement.

It's very yummy.

Jing Di licked the candied haws in his hand, and focused all his attention on the candied haws in Lang Ming's hand. He thought the bunch of candied haws in Lang Ming's elder brother's hand was more delicious.

Gulu swallowed.

The sound is a bit loud.

Hearing the voice, Lang Ming opened his eyes wide and looked at his younger brother, seeing his thoughts from his eyes.

He handed the candied haws in his hand to Jing Di's mouth, and said softly, "Brother, have a taste."

Jing Di opened her small mouth, licked it, and took another small bite.

"Delicious, sweet." Jing Di smiled and bent her beautiful eyes.

"Thank you, Susu." Langming thanked while eating, his words were unclear.

The uncle understood his thanks, thought of such a cute child but was abandoned by cruel parents, touched the child's head distressedly, and said: "You are so good, go home quickly, next time you want to eat, you can take it with you." Your lord is coming out to look for uncle, you understand?"

Such a well-behaved child, how could someone be so cruel that he would not want it?

"Ha Qiu." Jun Jiuxin rubbed his nose——

Who is speaking ill of him behind his back?
(End of this chapter)

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