Chapter 1034

"Brother, is it delicious?" Lang Ming asked while pinching Jing Di's chubby paw.

The two little guys just stood there and didn't move. Jing Di was the only one who just reached the position of Langming's chest. The little guy raised his face and held half a bunch of candied haws in his hand. He narrowed his eyes excitedly and said, "Okay." Eat, sweet."

"You two kids, where are you from? Where are you going?" A man who suddenly appeared bent down to look at Lang Ming and Jing Di.

The man not only looks wretched, but also looks wretched when he smiles.

The half-orc's sense of smell was extremely keen, and Lang Ming sensed the man's malicious intentions almost instantly. He protected his younger brother Jing Di behind him, and stared angrily at the wretched man.

"What do you want to do?" He had a fierce look on his face, but because of his childish voice, he looked very fierce, not scary at all, but rather cute.

"Oh, I'm your mother's friend. You can call me Uncle Huai. It was your mother who asked me to bring you home." The cute little boy was very happy, thinking that if he took these two little guys away, he would definitely make a lot of money.

Such a cute boy, there must be many people rushing to want it.

The more the man wanted to smile, the more wretched his smile became. He touched Lang Ming's head and then Jing Di's, "It's getting late, you guys hurry up and follow me, your mother should be worried if it's later."

Lang Ming's vigilant eyes turned into astonishment the moment he heard the man talking about his mother.

It came to my mind that the good uncle who sold candied haws just now mentioned that every child has a mother, and so did he and Jing Di.

But they have never seen it.

Could it be that the man in front of him was really called by his mother to take them back?

Can I see my mother if I follow him?

Lang Ming glanced at Jing Di, Jing Di still couldn't understand these things, but just looked at his brother Lang Ming obediently, when his brother looked at him, he blinked his big eyes and asked curiously: "Brother, what's wrong? "

"Does brother want to see mother?" Lang Ming swallowed nervously.

Is he going to meet his mother too?What the hell is a mother?Is he as good as Ge er?
Jing Di, who has never experienced maternal love since birth, has no idea what a mother is, but feels that this term is very strange, so he shook his head, stuffed his little paws into Lang Ming's palm, shook his head, soft and waxy Waxy said: "No, I want to see my sister."

Lang Ming thought about it, he wanted to see Ge'er more than to see that mother who didn't know what it was.

After thinking it over, Lang Ming said to the wretched uncle, "No, we're going back to see Ge'er."

The wretched man looked at them very excitedly just now, thinking that he was going to succeed, but when he was suddenly rejected, he immediately turned cold, hugged Lang Ming and Jing Di, and said sharply: "How can children not see their own?" Mother, since your mother asked me to take you back, then I must take you back."

The wretched man said, ignoring Lang Ming and Jing Di's struggle, picked up the two children, and planned to run away.

Lang Ming bit the man's hand, and Jing Di followed suit, biting hard at almost the same position on his other hand.

The man yelled in pain, and found that both of his hands were bitten.

At the moment of being bitten, under conditioned reflex, the man let go of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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