First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1035 Familiar Breath

Chapter 1035 Familiar Breath

Lang Ming and Jing Di fell to the ground, buttocks first. Jingdi was short and fell higher, hurt his buttocks, and burst into tears immediately.

Lang Ming noticed that his younger brother was crying, and cast angrily at the wretched man, bared his sharp teeth, and let out a beast roar at the man.


He rushed over and bit the man's wrist with such force that he saw blood directly.

"Damn it, bite me?" The man felt the pain, and slapped Langming on the head with his hand, but the little guy had good teeth, so he just bit his hand tightly and didn't let go until his forehead was bleeding from the beating Don't talk too much.

Seeing this situation, Jing Di rushed over and took a bite of the man's leg.

The wretched man is afraid that someone will pass by and cause trouble.

He beat Lang Ming and Jing Di viciously, causing the two little guys to bleed from their quarrel.

Jing Dixu was hurt by the beating, and she let go of her mouth and began to cry beside her.

Crying with tears and snot.

It was the first time Lang Ming had seen Jing Di cry so sadly in such a long time. The little guy was so angry that he couldn't control himself, he exposed his ears and tail, and his teeth became sharp. Spike.

He directly bit off a piece of meat from the wretched man's hand.

A large amount of blood flowed from the man's wrist and dripped on the ground.

"Bah." The little wolf cub spat out the blood in his mouth ferociously, bared his teeth, and said ferociously, "If you dare to bully my brother, I will bite you to death."

Seeing the wolf ears on Langming's head and the wolf tail behind his buttocks, the wretched man widened his eyes in surprise, and greed flashed in his eyes: "Werewolf child, it seems that today is going to be a lucky day."

The wretched man tore off a piece of cloth, hugged the wound on his hand, to prevent the blood from bleeding so violently, and then rushed towards Langming.

He was determined to catch this little werewolf, completely ignoring Jing Di who was next to him as an ordinary human child.

Lang Ming fought with him. Although the wolf cub was fierce, the difference in strength and experience between the child and the adult still caused Lang Ming to suffer a lot.

Soon he was subdued by the wretched man.

Lang Ming, who was covered in wounds, was tied up with a rope by the man, and fell on his shoulders to be taken away.

He also wanted to take Jing Di away with him, but because Jing Di bit his arm in many places and bled frequently, he was unable to carry another child.

He had no choice but to give up his plan to take the child away.

Jing Di wanted to catch up, but Lang Ming glared at him and ordered him not to follow.

Jing Di's tears of grievance filled her eyes, she looked at him aggrievedly, weeping, and her big tears kept dripping down.

After a while, Jing Di suddenly thought of something, ran over, picked up the piece of cloth that Jing Di tore and bitten off the wretched man on the ground, and ran away quickly.

He wanted to rush home and tell Jing Ge about his brother being taken away, but he lost his way and went back and forth to make trouble.

Many people looked at such a small child with blood on his body, and surrounded him one after another, asking if there was a lost child in someone's family.

It was the first time for Jing Di to be surrounded by so many people. She hid behind a tree uneasy, clenched her fists in fear, and sweated profusely.

The little one who was not as high as an adult's knee, thinking that if he didn't go home quickly, he would not be able to save his brother, under the nervousness and fear, tears fell down.

Until, he suddenly smelled a very familiar breath.

Xiaobudian suddenly ran out from behind the tree, squeezed out the crowd, and rushed to a place quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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