Chapter 1046

Until Bai Yeling lifted the quilt and got up, got out of bed to get dressed, and then took the clothes and came over to put them on for her.

Then he tidied up the bed and put away a white sheet.

Standing by the side, Jing Ge saw a smear of red on the bed sheet with sharp eyes—it was said that it was the first time a woman knew Luo Hong.

This can't be her great aunt, can it?My aunt just left not long ago, so it is definitely impossible to come again so soon.

So - all the things she thought she had had a relationship with Bai Yeling before were all fake?
She and him never made it to the end?Last night was the first time between the two?
Bai Yeling is not a short gentleman at all?but a—

Thinking of what he saw when he lifted the quilt just now, Jing Ge swallowed nervously.

The soreness on her waist reminded her how crazy things the two of them did last night.

It's over.

Now she would rather Bai Yeling was short——

It's so scary, it doesn't fit her body at all, can she return it?

Xu Shi noticed Jing Ge's gaze, Bai Yeling packed his things, walked to her side, and smiled in a good mood.

"Ge'er, do you want to sleep a little longer? I replaced the bed with a new one." As he spoke, he wanted to hug Ge'er up for the princess.

Ge'er was still thinking about the fact that he was not Duan Xiaojun, so she pushed him away, with fear on her face, and took two steps back.

The smile on Bai Yeling's face stagnated, and the smile froze directly on his face.

I felt uneasy thinking, could it be that I was rejected?

He was already very careful and restrained last night——

Bai Yeling, who thought he was very restrained, fell silent. Could it be that what happened last night left a psychological shadow on Geer?Does that mean it won't work next time?
At this moment, Bai Yeling was like a cat that had just tasted the umami, his mind was full of thinking about the next time.

After Jing Ge pushed Bai Yeling away, he regretted it, especially when he saw Bai Yeling's uncomfortable face, he blamed himself endlessly.

After a while, she took the initiative to hold Bai Yeling's wrist again, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I didn't push your hand away on purpose, I was just too shocked."

"Shocked what?"

"Of course I was shocked, I always thought you were short..." Damn, what am I talking about?I actually said this sentence?It's over, it's over, the sky is going to kill me.

After hearing what she said, Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes slightly,

Putting his hands on her shoulders, he pulled her into his arms... Jing Ge was caught off guard and crashed into his arms.

Guilty raised her head and glanced at him, and when she met those slightly squinted eyes, Jing Ge felt a tingling scalp and a chill on the soles of her feet.


"What do you think of me?"

"No, I..." Before Jing Ge could reply, Bai Yeling kept picking her up and throwing her over the soft new quilt on the bed.

Jing Ge was thrown into a daze.

Just when I remembered to make it clear, a tall figure pressed over, imprisoning her whole body between his two strong arms.

Jing Ge was trapped within a square inch, unable to move, he could only use his lips to beg for mercy.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have missed you that much, I knew you were such a good-looking and powerful person, how could God be willing to make you a defective product, I..." The darker the description became.

Jing Ge wanted to knock himself out with a drill board.

What kind of nonsense is she saying now?

Isn't this a disguised form from admitting that he was thinking about him indiscriminately?
Bai Yeling lifted her chin, and with a little force, lifted her chin up, traced it with his fingertips, and said, "Are you nervous? Do you know what I'm going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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