First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1047 Is it Short?

Chapter 1047 Is it Short?

Jing Ge shook his head, then nodded again.

"Huh?" Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes slightly, and put a little more force on the fingers on her chin, which made her unable to turn her head.

"Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please forgive me, I will never think so again." Ci Ao, this is the upper body of the perverted Demon Lord, right?

You old man should restore the gentle character of Uncle Bai, I prefer the gentle Uncle Bai.

Of course, she only dared to think about this sentence in her heart. If this easily angered guy heard this sentence in her heart, he might be jealous of himself.

Ask her who she likes more about him.

"Didn't you say I'm short? Let me show you clearly whether I'm short..." Bai Yeling touched Jing Ge's tender face and said, "Don't worry, it's enough to make you happy in your next life. Don't try again?"

Bai Yeling moved his waist.

Jing Ge immediately felt the pressure.

"No, no, no, I know, I know that you are very talented, no matter what you are, you are first-class. I am very satisfied with what happened last night, really." So don't do it again!

Bai Yeling felt a little complicated.

Looking at someone who is not afraid of anything, but because he doesn't want to continue to flirt with him, he becomes cowardly in seconds, and his mood is really complicated.

Could it be that his technique is really that bad?
To the point where she doesn't even want to do it again?

What happened last night was also the first time for him. He who wanted to come here had no desires or desires, so he almost seldom used his hands.

All the emotions and desires seemed to appear only after meeting her. Before that, it seemed as if they were sealed away.

However, what should I do if my skills are really so poor that I am disgusted by the target?

He didn't want to read those dirty picture books—

Jing Ge didn't know what was going on in Bai Yeling's mind at this moment, she was full of thoughts about how to protect her 'old waist'.

Bai Yeling lowered his head, and placed a feather-like kiss on her lips, then rolled over and got off the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

"You sleep for a while, and I'll make porridge for you."

Saying that, it was a bit like a defeated little wolf dog leaving in disgrace.

Jing Ge's gaze turned to his back, watching him leave, go out, and close the door.

Some wonder.

Did he make up something on his own just now?
Why does he seem to be unhappy all of a sudden?

Jing Ge blinked his eyes inexplicably.

Thinking about it, sleepiness emerged, and soon fell asleep again.

Falling asleep this time, Jing Ge had a dream.

She dreamed that she held a man's hand and danced under the petals. After the dance, she leaned in the man's arms, ate the sweet cake that the man fed to her mouth, and said, "I will take you back to see the master tomorrow." , Master loves me very much, he will definitely accept you."

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the man's face—but at this moment, someone called her name.

She woke up suddenly.

I didn't see clearly who the face in the dream was, whether the woman was her, and who was the master in the woman's mouth?

"Ge'er, why is your face so ugly?" Bai Yeling took out a small white towel and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Then he helped her up, took a bowl of white porridge, took a spoonful, let it cool down, and brought it to her mouth.

Jing Ge felt that her soul was still in a dream, some would be overwhelmed, she opened her mouth blankly...

"Having a nightmare?" Bai Yeling looked at her with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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