Chapter 1057

"I don't like to listen to what you said. This little baby's illness is not only because my master can't cure it, even if you search all over Tianlan City, you can't find anyone who can be cured!"

The little apprentice still wanted to curse, but an old voice came from behind him, making him quiet.

"Ah Cai, what happened?" An old man came out.

"Master." Ah Cai turned his head and said respectfully to the old man.

"You are this guy's master? Then why don't you save people?" Awang asked with his waist in his arms.

"It turns out that you are arguing about this matter. On this matter, Ah Cai is indeed right. Not only can I not save this child, but the entire Tianlan City cannot save him."

"But that's not what you said at the beginning. At the beginning, you just said that you need more money. In the end, our king..."

"Cough cough cough..."

"Our son gave you money, and you immediately changed your mind. I think you are deliberately refusing to save him."

People who had been onlookers from the beginning, echoed one after another.

"That's right, we can testify. We said at the beginning that it could be saved, but it would cost a lot of money. But after the young master paid for it, you changed your words and said that it cannot be saved. There are too many strange things in it." Passerby A said.

When Ngawang saw someone testifying for himself, he became more confident in his speech.

"Look, I'm not the only one who heard it. You are deliberately refusing to save this child. You all say that the doctor has a parental heart. I think your hearts are all black. Only with a black heart can you see death without fear." save!"

"I gave you money, why didn't you save someone?" Passer-by B threw a tomato at the old man.

Then, the onlookers started throwing things at them.

The little apprentice hurriedly protected his master, cursing and saying: "Stop it, stop it... It's not that we don't want to save it, it's that we can't save it, this woman is not a good thing, this woman in her arms is a villain, all Tianlan City None of the doctors dare to treat him."

Ouyang Luo winked at Awang.

Awang understood, rushed forward and escorted the little apprentice over.

Then stopped the people throwing things.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the old man hid in the medical hall and closed the door.

Only the little apprentice who wholeheartedly protected him was left outside.

When the little apprentice heard that the door of the medical hall was locked, he looked at the closed door sadly.

Seeing this, Awang quickly began to brainwash: "Look, that unscrupulous master of yours is not a good person. He can refuse to save a defenseless woman today, and he can refuse to save you tomorrow. If he doesn't do anything now It's easy for you to enter the door, and when you become his burden, you will definitely be ruthlessly abandoned, so don't expect him to come back to save you when he finds out his conscience."

I have to say that Awang's words are very convincing.

After the little apprentice heard this, his eye circles immediately turned red.

"What do you mean by those words you just said?" Ouyang Luo asked.

"Where are you from? Why are you so meddlesome? You can't talk about this matter. If the adult finds out that I leaked it, my whole family will suffer."

As the little apprentice spoke, he didn't know what he thought of, and his whole body trembled.

Seeing that he did not seem to be lying, Ouyang Luo frowned, "Awang, let him go."

"Young master, if we let him go, who will save the child? Are we going to die?" Awang turned his head and glanced at the crying out of breath child in the woman's arms. Distressed inside.

"If they refuse to save them, there will always be someone to save them, so go find them." Ouyang Luo said.

"I'm here to save you." A delicate female voice sounded from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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