Chapter 1058

The crowd immediately moved out of the way, allowing the woman to walk past unimpeded.

Hearing this, Ouyang Luo looked over and happened to see the side face of the woman.

A beautiful but also seductive, coquettish yet cute side face.

Ouyang Luo's heart beat violently, and his pupils also dilated. When the woman turned around and faced him, Ouyang Luo felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world.

He had never seen it before.

Before he knew it, Ouyang Luo was completely fascinated. He couldn't take his eyes off for a long time. All the surrounding noises were blocked out, and only the face that turned slowly was in his eyes.

As the beauty raised her eyelids and looked at him with her big dark eyes, Ouyang Luo's Adam's apple rolled.

What a nice view.

"I'm here to save people." Jing Ge walked in, took the gold ingot from Awang's hand, threw it in his hand, and said with a smile on his lips: "I'll take the money, and I'll heal you."

"Ge'er." Hao Xingyue followed closely behind and also witnessed what happened just now. Seeing that she hurriedly responded without even looking at the child's illness, she couldn't help feeling worried.

The man in front of him doesn't look like an ordinary person. If he takes the other party's money and can't cure him, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for innocent people.

Although, as a woman who was pregnant for ten months but never had the chance to become a mother, Hao Xingyue sincerely hoped that Geer could save the child from hell, but relatively speaking, she was more worried about Geer's safety.

If the two had to weigh the options, she would still choose to let Geer be safe.

"It's okay, I won't smash the signboard of my ancestors easily." She winked at Hao Xingyue.

"You can really save people?" Awang looked at Jing Ge in disbelief, and said, "How old are you? You don't look like an adult yet, can you really heal people?"

"Sixteen, already an adult." Jing Ge said.

Ouyang Luo didn't take his eyes off Jing Ge the whole time, and when he heard Awang asking a question, his ears moved.

He waited intently for Jing Ge's answer.

When Ge'er said sixteen, a hint of surprise flashed in Ouyang Luo's eyes, and he wanted to give Awang a reward when he went back.

Jing Ge didn't pay attention to Ouyang Luo, so he didn't notice that he looked at her with eyes full of surprise and love.

She tightened the gold ingot into her pocket and strode towards the woman.

He took out a handkerchief and a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine, handed them to Hao Xingyue and said, "Xingyue, help her treat the wound on her forehead."

After she finished speaking, she hooked her fingers at Awang again.

Awang stood beside Ouyang Luo.

Before Awang could take any action, Ouyang Luo walked over first.

Looking at Jing Ge expectantly, a low voice said: "What do I need to do?"

Jing Ge glanced at him suspiciously, without thinking too much, then took the child from the woman's arms and stuffed it directly into Ouyang Luo's arms, "This is not a good place for medical treatment, you put the child in your arms, you , have you just arrived in Tianlan City? Is there a place to stay?"

Ouyang Luo shook his head.

"Then find an inn nearby and borrow your room by the way."

As she spoke, she took out an apple from her pocket, took a bite, it was crunchy and fragrant, and walked in front.

Turned a corner and entered the largest and most expensive inn in Tianlan City.

"That's right here, hurry up and open the room, I have urgent matters to deal with later." After finishing speaking, Jing Ge threw the finished apple cores to the garbage pile in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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