Chapter 1059
Ouyang Luo hardly took his eyes off Jing Ge, watching her take the baby's pulse, see a doctor, and write the medicine list, and the written words were as beautiful as hers.

Ouyang Luo's attendants have been by his side for many years, and accidentally saw the way he looked at Jing Ge, and immediately guessed that his master fell in love with this girl.

But the master has a noble status, and this girl does not know where she came from. If the status and background are not equal, it may not be a good thing.

When the attendant Awang walked over to take the medicine list from Jing Ge, he pursed his lips and asked, "Madam, may I ask Fang's name, where is her family? What did your ancestors do? Marriage?"

The topic that Awang asked happened to be what Ouyang Luo wanted to know urgently, so he didn't blame Awang for overstepping.

Instead, he waited with anticipation for Jing Ge to speak.

Jing Ge was puzzled, she walked around Awang, walked to the bed, touched the baby's head, then took out a pill, and handed it to Awang, "Crush this pill and make juice, feed him to eat, I live in Baige Mansion at the end of West Street, you can find me over there if you need anything, I still have things to deal with, so excuse me."

After Jing Ge finished speaking, he nodded to Hao Xingyue, made a gesture with his eyes, and prepared to leave.

When she passed by him, Ouyang Luo subconsciously stepped forward to stop Jing Ge.

It wasn't until he finished this action that he realized that something was wrong with his behavior.

For a moment, I didn't know how to react or what to say.

Jing Ge waited for a while, but he didn't see that he was about to speak, so he asked, "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"My name is Ouyang Luo."

"Oh, hello." Jing Ge squeezed out a forced but polite smile and said, "Excuse me." Maybe this person is out of his mind, he suddenly stopped her and didn't speak.

Could it be that there is some unseen illness, seeing her excellent medical skills, so I want to seek her for treatment, but because it is really difficult to ride the button, I am too embarrassed to speak out in public?

A tough guy who looks tall and burly, could it be some kind of hidden disease——?
Jing Ge lowered his head slightly, and glanced at a certain position of Ouyang Luo. Ouyang Luo felt that she was staring at him, and suddenly became nervous, and swallowed twice in succession.

She pursed her lips lightly and said, "Can you tell me your name?"

Ouyang Luo has surrounded him since he was a child, and there are countless women who want to marry him. This is the first time he has met a woman who is so indifferent to him.

Ouyang Luo even began to doubt his own charm.

"Mr. Ouyang, if there's nothing else, I'll go first. Goodbye."

Jing Ge waved to Hao Xingyue, and the two left together.

As soon as they left, Ouyang Luo immediately asked Awang, "What do you think of me now?"

"Ah?" Awang was caught off guard by the question, and he didn't react for a while. When Ouyang Luo's complexion gradually became ugly, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "No, Wang...Young Master has always been so handsome and attractive. , handsome and extraordinary."

What Awang said was also true, Ouyang Luo was indeed a rare handsome man in the world, but unfortunately, no matter how beautiful a person is, he would be completely inferior in front of the demon king.

Demons themselves are born with handsome men and women, and the Demon Lord is especially the best among them. It is even more difficult to find a human being who can compare with him in the world.

"Then why didn't she look at me more?" Ouyang Luo, who was used to being courted by women, narrowed his eyes in displeasure.

"Maybe... Maybe she really has something urgent to deal with?"

(End of this chapter)

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